5 1 0:Creating a Backup Event


SEP sesam backup events represent the execution of backup tasks. Backup tasks specify the details and approach for the backup process, while events are the individual occurrences of these tasks.

A backup task can be executed with the option Immediate start as a standalone, non-recurring instance, or it can be linked to a schedule with a backup event for regular or repeated execution. Multiple backup events across different schedules can be created for a specific task, each event with customized parameters and configurations. Event priorities help organize and manage tasks in execution queue and prevent possible tasks conflicts.

In addition to backup tasks, events can also be created and scheduled for backup task groups. Task groups provide the ability to combine multiple backup tasks into a single entity, which can be configured and scheduled using a single event.

Backup levels

SEP sesam provides four different backup levels: full, differential, incremental and copy. The backup level is specified when creating a backup event or performing an immediate start of the backup.

When planning your backup strategy, it is essential to consider the advantages and disadvantages of different backup levels, particularly in terms of time and storage space. A common approach is to use a combination of FULL, DIFF, and/or INCR backups as part of a structured backup chain.

SEP sesam retention management ensures that all backups in a chain are kept as long as the most recent backup remains valid. Long chains with many backups can become inefficient and vulnerable, potentially leading to restore failures due to storage limitations or prolonged restore times. Since there is no built-in limit for backup chain length, SEP AG recommends scheduling regular FULL backups and limiting the number of consecutive incremental backups to a maximum of 100.

The following backup levels are available:

FULL backup
Full backup captures all data specified by the backup task, regardless of whether changes have occurred. It creates a complete snapshot of the data at the current point-in-time. A full backup might take longer to perform, but offers straightforward restore where only one saveset is required to restore the entire dataset. Full backups serve as the starting point for subsequent differential (DIFF) and/or incremental (INCR) backups, forming a backup chain.
Information about the backup status is stored in the SEP sesam database. Note that on Windows the archive bits are not automatically deleted. To purge the archive bits, the command -o clear_archive can be used in the backup options.
DIFF (differential) backup
Differential backup captures data that has changed or been created since the last full backup. Each differential backup creates a point-in-time backup of all changes since the last full backup, disregarding all other intermediate differential and incremental backups. A differential backup is faster to perform than a full backup, but two savesets are required for restore – the saveset from the last full backup and the saveset from the most recent differential backup.
INCR (incremental) backup
Incremental backup captures the changes made since the last backup, whether it was a full, differential, or incremental backup. Incremental backups are space-efficient, fast, and provide the most frequent data captures in a backup chain. For restore, the last full saveset, the last differential saveset (if it exists) and all subsequent incremental backup savesets are required, which may extend the restoration time. The restore process sequentially applies these savesets to restore data to a specific point-in-time. SEP sesam offers generation restore, which offers high level of granularity and flexibility for data recovery. Each incremental backup creates a new generation of the data. The exact point in time can be selected for restore and SEP sesam applies the incremental backups sequentially from the last full backup, replaying the changes made over time.
COPY backup
Copy backup is a full backup that operates independently of other backups. It creates a standalone backup of the data at that moment. It is useful for archival purposes or for creating a backup copy for specific use cases. Copy backups are not part of a backup chain and don't impact other differential or incremental backups in a backup chain.
Differential (DIFF) and incremental (INCR) backups rely on a full backup as a reference point. If no initial FULL backup exists, the first DIFF or INCR backup is automatically performed as a FULL backup to maintain the backup chain and ensure data consistency.

Failover backup events

To minimize failed backups due to unavailable media pool, you can specify a failover backup event when configuring the backup event. In case the configured media pool is not available for writing for some reason (out of space, no free media, RDS cannot be reached) and the backup event cannot be successfully performed, the failover backup event is performed instead. If the failover backup event is activated the data storage settings of the original backup event are replaced with the settings from the failover backup event (media pool, drive, interface, follow up, migration task). The task, backup level and other options (for example, Enforce FULL) of the original backup event are preserved.

For more information see Failover Events.

Create a backup event

To create a new backup event, go to Main Selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules, right-click on a schedule and then click on New Backup Event.

Define the settings and options as required. For detailed explanations of the available options in tab Parameter, refer to section Backup event options. For explanations of options in tab Schedule, see Schedule options.

A backup chain, consisting of a full backup and all subsequent incremental backups, is treated by retention management as a single entity. Long backup chains may become inefficient and vulnerable to data loss, or they may be impractical to restore due to storage or time constraints.

To prevent your backup chain from becoming too long, you can use the option Enforce FULL and set the number of days after which a FULL backup should be enforced.

For an example on how to implement a backup scheme, see GFS Backup Retention Strategy. For more information on backup chains, see Backup Chain Dependencies.

You can view the status of your backup jobs. In Web UI navigate to Monitoring -> Last Backup State or Backups and review the job results. The backup status overview provides information about the last run of backup jobs, including the task name, start and stop time of the last backup, backup level, data size, throughput, assigned media pool, etc. You can also open and review details of the backup job or backup task.


Backup event options

When creating or modifying a backup event, the following options are available to customize its settings and behavior.

General settings



See also

Managing Events - Managing Schedules - Creating a Backup Task - Backup Chain Dependencies - Backup Strategy Best Practices - GFS Backup Retention Strategy

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