5 1 0:Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an inventory of all source components and software dependencies used in the development and delivery of SEP sesam. The following table provides a list of all third-party resources used in SEP sesam.
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Note |
This document is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. It is not intended to be used as a reference for accuracy, completeness, or to determine legal obligations regarding the open source components in SEP sesam. Any legal determinations should be based on independent legal analysis and by reviewing the notices and licenses included within the open source code itself. |
SEP sesam SBOM
License files for third-party components are included with every SEP sesam Server installation. They can be found in <SESAM_BIN>/skel/third_party_licenses
. These files are collected from the License Terms and Conditions provided by each component.
Component | License file |
BOOST | boost_license.txt, LGPL_v3_license.txt |
cpio | FDL_license.txt |
cURL | cURL_copyright.txt |
cx_Freeze | cx_Freeze_py2_license.txt, cx_Freeze_py3_license.txt |
findutils | GPL_v3_license.txt |
go | go_license.txt |
gzip | gzip_license.txt, GPL_v3_license.txt |
java SQLite | javasqlite_license.txt |
JNIRegistry | JNIRegistry_public_domain.txt |
libgcrypt | libgcrypt_license.txt |
libmba | GPL_v2_license.txt, LGPL_v2_license.txt |
nasm | nasm_license.txt |
notesapi | notesapi_license.txt |
OpenSSL | openSSL_license.txt |
OSSP uuid | MIT_license.txt |
PCRE | PCRE_license.txt |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL_license.txt |
python | python_2_license.txt, python_3_license.txt |
python iniparse | MIT_license.txt |
python pycrypto | pycrypto_copyright.txt |
python WMI | MIT_license.txt |
python paramiko | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
REAR | cclc_3.0_license.txt |
rust | apache_v2_license.txt, MIT_license.txt |
sed | MIT_license.txt |
sqlite3 | sqlite3_copyright.txt |
thrift | apache_v2_license.txt |
TinyXML | zlib_license.txt |
uriparser | uriparser_copyright.txt |
vddk | vmware_vddk_license.txt |
vsyasm | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
win_flex_bison | GPL_v3_license.txt |
WinNFSd | GPL_v3_license.txt |
zlib | zlib_license.txt |
zlog | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
C resources: | |
ansidecl | GPL_v3_license.txt |
bf | bf_copyright.txt |
buffStr | matas_licence.txt |
bsd-xdr | getopt_license.txt, msinttypes_license.txt, sunrpc_license.txt, MIT_license.txt |
consStr | matas_licence.txt |
dupStr | matas_licence.txt |
getopt | getopt_copyright.txt |
gnulib | AGPL_license.txt, GPL_v3_license.txt, LGPL_v3_license.txt, FDL_license.txt |
libmicrohttp | eCos_license.txt, LGPL_v3_license.txt, GPL_v3_license.txt, FDL_license.txt |
libtasn1 | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
LL | matas_licence.txt |
LL/listsort | listsort_license.txt |
md5 | md5_copyright.txt |
nettle | LGPL_v3_license.txt, GPL_v2_license.txt, GPL_v3_license.txt |
strcasecmp | strcasecmp_copyright.txt |
strGM | matas_licence.txt |
strsep | strsep_copyright.txt |
tokenStr | matas_licence.txt |
getdelim/getline | getdelim_licence.txt |
Java resources: | |
Stevesoft Pat Regex | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
biweekly | freebsd_copyright.txt |
OVal | epl_v2_license.txt |
GreenMail Core | apache_v2_license.txt |
GreenMail Junit4 | apache_v2_license.txt |
JUnit | epl_v1_license.txt |
FlatLaf | apache_v2_license.txt |
FlatLaf Extras | apache_v2_license.txt |
FlatLaf addon for JIDE Common Layer | apache_v2_license.txt |
Woodstox | apache_v2_license.txt |
Stax2 API | bsd_v2_license.txt |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | MIT_license.txt |
SLF4J API Module | MIT_license.txt |
vinnie | MIT_license.txt |
Eclipse ECJ | epl_v1_license.txt |
Angus Mail Provider | GPL_v2_with_cpe_license.txt |
GlassFish High Availability APIs and SPI | GPL_v2_with_cpe_license.txt |
Jakarta Annotations API | GPL_v2_with_cpe_license.txt |
Jakarta Mail API | GPL_v2_with_cpe_license.txt |
Hamcrest Core | bsd_v3_license.txt |
fastjson, ini4j | apache_v2_license.txt |
reactive-streams | cclc_3.0_license.txt |
com.formdev:svgSalamander | bsd_v2_license.txt |
curvesapi | bsd_v2_license.txt |
Checker Qual | MIT_license.txt |
mockito-core | MIT_license.txt |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Codec | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Collections | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Compress | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons DBCP | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons FileUpload | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons IO | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Lang | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Math | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Pool | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Text | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache HttpAsyncClient | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache HttpClient | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache HttpClient Mime | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache HttpCore | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache HttpCore NIO | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Log4j API | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache POI | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache POI - API based on OPC and OOXML schemas | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache POI - Common | apache_v2_license.txt |
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | apache_v2_license.txt |
Byte Buddy agent | apache_v2_license.txt |
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Buffer | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Codec | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Common | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Handler | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Resolver | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Transport | apache_v2_license.txt |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | apache_v2_license.txt |
Objenesis | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring AOP | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring Beans | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring Context | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring Core | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring JDBC | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring TestContext Framework | apache_v2_license.txt |
Spring Transaction | apache_v2_license.txt |
fastinfoset | apache_v2_license.txt |
jcommander | apache_v2_license.txt |
spring-ldap-core | apache_v2_license.txt |
spring-security-config | apache_v2_license.txt |
spring-security-core | apache_v2_license.txt |
spring-security-crypto | apache_v2_license.txt |
spring-security-ldap | apache_v2_license.txt |
Angus Mail Provider | epl_v2_license.txt |
GlassFish High Availability APIs and SPI | epl_v2_license.txt |
Jakarta Annotations API | epl_v2_license.txt |
Jakarta Mail API | epl_v2_license.txt |
H2 Database Engine | epl_v2_license.txt, MPL_v2_license.txt |
dnsjava | bsd_v3_license.txt |
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver | bsd_v2_license.txt |
dom4j | bsd_v3_license.txt |
Logback Classic Module | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
Logback Core Module | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
Java Hamcrest | bsd_v3_license.txt |
Bouncy Castle ASN.1 Extension and Utility APIs | bouncy_castle_license.txt |
Bouncy Castle OpenPGP API | bouncy_castle_license.txt |
Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs | bouncy_castle_license.txt |
Bouncy Castle Provider | bouncy_castle_license.txt |
Angus Activation Registries | epl_v1_license.txt |
Angus Mail Provider | epl_v1_license.txt |
GMBAL (API only) | epl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta Activation | epl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta Activation API | epl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta Mail API | epl_v1_license.txt |
management-api | epl_v1_license.txt |
Bouncy Castle OpenPGP API | apache_v1_license.txt |
Extended StAX API | edl_v1_license.txt |
JAX-WS RI Runtime (jaxws-rt) | edl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta SOAP Implementation | edl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments API | edl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta XML Binding API | edl_v1_license.txt |
Jakarta XML Web Services API | edl_v1_license.txt |
MIME streaming extension | edl_v1_license.txt |
Old JAXB Core | edl_v1_license.txt |
Old JAXB Runtime | edl_v1_license.txt |
fastinfoset | edl_v1_license.txt |
xmlstreambuffer | edl_v1_license.txt |
JFreeChart | LGPL_v3_license.txt |
Apache Commons Configuration | apache_v2_license.txt |
Apache Commons Logging | apache_v2_license.txt |
Commons Lang | apache_v2_license.txt |
IPAddress | apache_v2_license.txt |
Jackson-annotations | apache_v2_license.txt |
Jackson-core | apache_v2_license.txt |
Java Unit Test Tool | apache_v2_license.txt |
OSGL Version | apache_v2_license.txt |
Rythm Template Engine | apache_v2_license.txt |
SQLite JDBC | apache_v2_license.txt |
SparseBitSet | apache_v2_license.txt |
XmlBeans | apache_v2_license.txt |
jackson-databind | apache_v2_license.txt |
mvel | apache_v2_license.txt |
mybatis | apache_v2_license.txt |
mybatis-spring | apache_v2_license.txt |
Hamcrest JUnit | epl_v1_license.txt |
Logback Classic Module | epl_v1_license.txt |
Logback Core Module | epl_v1_license.txt |
JIDE components | jide_license.txt |
Web UI resources: | |
amcharts/amcharts5 | amchart_license.txt |
angular/animations | MIT_license.txt |
angular/cdk | MIT_license.txt |
angular/common | MIT_license.txt |
angular/compiler | MIT_license.txt |
angular/core | MIT_license.txt |
angular/forms | MIT_license.txt |
angular/localize | MIT_license.txt |
angular/platform-browser | MIT_license.txt |
angular/platform-browser-dynamic | MIT_license.txt |
angular/router | MIT_license.txt |
cds/angular | MIT_license.txt |
cds/city | cc_v1_license.txt |
cds/core | MIT_license.txt |
clr/angular | MIT_license.txt |
clr/ui | MIT_license.txt |
ngx-translate/core | MIT_license.txt |
ngx-translate/http-loader | MIT_license.txt |
porscheinformatik/clr-addons | MIT_license.txt |
webcomponents/webcomponentsjs | bsd_v3_license.txt |
d3-force | isc_license.txt |
date-fns | MIT_license.txt |
lodash-es | MIT_license.txt |
modern-normalize | MIT_license.txt |
ngx-cookie | MIT_license.txt |
ngx-webstorage | MIT_license.txt |
rxjs | apache_v2_license.txt |
ts-cacheable | isc_license.txt |
tslib | freebsd_copyright.txt |
zone.js | MIT_license.txt |
See also
Copyright © SEP AG 1999-2025. All rights reserved.
Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.