5 1 0:Micro Focus GroupWise Configuration

From SEPsesam

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The Novell corporate brand has been acquired by Micro Focus, which was in turn acquired by OpenText. SEP sesam documentation update (such as names and screenshots) to reflect these changes is being done in a phased manner, therefore OpenText GroupWise may still appear under the name Micro Focus GroupWise.

This article describes the prerequisites and configuration requirements for the OpenText GroupWise environment. Note that the procedures introduced in this article are only the required pre-configuration steps. For details on configuring GroupWise backup and restore, see OpenText GroupWise Backup and OpenText GroupWise Restore.

SEP sesam provides reliable data protection for GroupWise environments and supports the following GroupWise object types:

  • GroupWise domains: Primary (created on installation of Groupwise) and secondary domains are the main administrative unit for the GroupWise system that serves as a logical grouping of one or more post offices and is used for routing processes.
  • GroupWise post offices: A post office is a set of folders on a network file server. It serves as the administrative unit for a group of users and mailboxes. The post office folder stores user mailboxes, messages and information used to distribute the messages.
  • GroupWise libraries: A library is a collection of documents and document properties that are stored in a database. A post office can have several libraries. Documents can be stored directly in the post office or in document storage areas outside the post office. Libraries with document storage areas inside the post office are saved with the post office.

For more details on the GroupWise system, refer to the relevant version of the relevant OpenText GroupWise documentation.


Make sure that the following conditions are met when configuring GroupWise with SEP sesam.

General requirements

  • GroupWise 2012/2014/2018 system (all post office/domain/library objects on OES servers). Check the support matrix for a list of supported versions.
  • Verify that your network is set up correctly and that DNS name resolution is successful. Note that forward and reverse DNS resolution is required by SEP sesam (SEP sesam Server, data mover server, GroupWise server/cluster resource, cluster nodes). For details, see How to check DNS configuration.
  • Working Service Location Protocol (SLP) name resolution in the network (running slpd on the OES servers).
  • SEP sesam Server
  • Data mover server (OES2/OES11/OES2015/OES2018/OES2023/OES CE 24.4 with installed and activated SMDR modules) with SEP sesam OpenText client. For details, see OpenText data mover.
  • Check the hardware requirements for SEP sesam Server, RDS or SEP sesam Client.

GroupWise server requirements

  • The Target Service Agent for file systems (TSAFS) module must work in default Linux mode (not dual or Netware) and the switch --EnableGW is required to activate the backup of GroupWise through TSAFS. Note that the full path name of the TSAFS configuration file on Open Enterprise Server Linux is /etc/opt/novell/sms/tsafs.conf.
  • The GroupWise configuration file gwha.conf must exist in the default folder /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/. If the file gwha.conf exists in another folder, copy and edit the gwsep.conf file from /opt/sesam/skel/templates/ to /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/. Then edit gwsep.conf and add the line gwha=<path to gwha.conf>/gwha.conf in the [MISC] section.
  • The home switch in the startup files must have the syntax --home /<path>/, as described in the OpenText GroupWise documentation.

Requirement for GroupWise as a standalone server

Groupwise Server (OES2/OES11/OES2015/OES2018/OES2023/OES CE 24.4 with installed and activated SMDR modules and TSAFS) with current SEP sesam Client.

  • The SEP sesam Server and the GroupWise server can also be the data mover server.
  • It is neither recommended nor supported to run the SEP sesam Server, the data mover server and the GroupWise server on a single machine.

Requirement for GroupWise as an OpenText cluster resource

All cluster nodes for the GroupWise resource (OES2/OES11/OES2015/OES2018/OES2023/OES CE 24.4 with installed and activated SMDR modules and TSAFS ) with current SEP sesam Client.

  • The SEP sesam Server can also be the data mover server.
  • It is neither recommended nor supported to use the cluster nodes as data mover server.

Installing SEP sesam Client

The SEP sesam OpenText Client (sbc_smdr) is already included in the SEP Sesam Client for SLES since SLES12 (base OS for OES2018). You do not need to download and install a separate sesam-novell-client package.

  1. Download the latest SEP sesam Client for the supported server platform from SEP Download Center.
  2. Install the SEP sesam Client on the SEP sesam data mover and the GroupWise server/cluster nodes:
  3.  rpm -Uvh <path to SEP sesam Client>/<client package>

For more details on installation, see SEP sesam Quick Install Guide.

Configuration on GroupWise server/cluster nodes

  1. Check that SMDRD is running and TSAFS is loaded correctly:
  2.   rcnovell-smdrd status
      Checking for smdr daemon:                                                   


     systemctl status novell-smdrd
  3. Check the file /etc/opt/novell/sms/tsafs.conf for the line:
  4.   tsamode=linux
  5. Check the file /etc/opt/novell/sms/smdrd.conf for the line:
  6.   autoload: tsafs --EnableGW

    or, if the tsamode in tsafs.conf is not set to Linux:

      autoload: tsafs --EnableGW --tsamode=linux
  7. Check if TSAFS is loaded.
  8.   /opt/novell/sms/bin/smsconfig -t	
      loaded TSAs
      tsafs --EnableGW --tsamode=linux
    Note that if you set the Linux TSA mode in tsafs.conf and not in smdrd.conf, only the --EnableGW switch is visible.
Valid access from the SEP sesam data mover to the SEP sesam Client on the GroupWise server or to the cluster nodes must be allowed. Execute the following command on the Groupwise server or each cluster node:
 /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_setup set_client <hostname of SEP sesam data mover>

The SEP sesam CTRL service must be loaded on the GroupWise server.

Configuring a GroupWise server or cluster as a SEP sesam Client

To protect your GroupWise environment, you must configure the OpenText GroupWise server or cluster as a SEP sesam Client. For details, see Configuring Clients.

  1. From Main Selection -> Components -> Clients, select your location and click the New Client button. The New Client window opens.
  2. In the New Client window, configure the following options:
    • Enter the client name, i.e. the virtual NCP server name resolvable via DNS. For the cluster, the virtual NCP server name is shown in the ConsoleOne.
    • Select Linux from the Platform drop-down list and OES-Linux under the Operating system.
    • Choose the access mode for the SEP sesam Server-Client communication (default setting is SMSSH).

  3. Switch to the OES-Linux Access tab and enter the required credentials.

  4. Click OK to add a GroupWise client to the SEP sesam environment.
For GroupWise on a non-NSS filesystem (POSIX), use the root user for the OpenText credentials or give your LUM-enabled eDir user the required POSIX permissions.

See also

OpenText GroupWise BackupOpenText GroupWise Restore OpenText data mover

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Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.