5 1 0:Micro Focus GroupWise Backup

From SEPsesam

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The Novell corporate brand has been acquired by Micro Focus, which was in turn acquired by OpenText. SEP sesam documentation update (such as names and screenshots) to reflect these changes is being done in a phased manner, therefore OpenText GroupWise may still appear under the name Micro Focus GroupWise.

The SEP sesam OpenText (Micro Focus) client provides efficient data protection for the GroupWare environment. It uses OpenText SMDR services and TSA to back up and restore GroupWise. By using the integrated Si3 target deduplication for GroupWise backups, you can benefit from reduced disk capacity and increased overall storage performance.

SEP sesam supports backups at post office, domain and database level. Only one GroupWise object can be backed up in one backup task. However, you can group your GroupWise tasks into a task group and then trigger the start of all tasks belonging to that group with a single event. For details, see Adding a Task to the Task Group.


To ensure error-free operation of SEP sesam and improve performance, make sure that the following conditions are met:

  • Check the support matrix for a list of supported GroupWise versions.
  • Make sure that all prerequisites are met and that you have properly configured GroupWise with SEP sesam: check the OpenText GroupWise configuration before backing up your GroupWise environment.

Configuring GroupWise backup

To increase overall storage performance, you can use SEP Si3 deduplication store for your GroupWise backups. For details, see Configuring Si3 Deduplication Store.

  • You can only select one GroupWise object per backup task. The working directories are automatically excluded. For more details, refer to the relevant version of the relevant OpenText GroupWise documentation.
  • It is recommended to additionally perform a Linux file backup of the GroupWise configuration files, i.e., /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/, /opt/novell/gropupwise/agents/share.
  1. From Main Selection -> Tasks -> By Clients, select the Novell GroupWise client and click New Backup Task. The New Backup Task window opens.
  2. Specify the Source. Click the Browse button (large arrow) and select what you want to back up. By selecting the source, the task type and task name are set automatically.

  3. After selecting the source, an additional tab Micro Focus SMS is shown where you can set a special user access for this task only. This is required if the global administrator set in the client properties does not have permission for the GroupWise instance.
  4. If you want to start the newly created task immediately, right-click the name of the task and click Immediate Start. If you want to create a periodic backup, you have to create a schedule for your backup task: Click New Schedule under Main Selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules and set up a schedule. For more details, see Creating a Schedule.
  5. Tip
    You can add your backup task to an existing schedule by double-clicking the backup task, selecting the tab Schedules and adding it to one or more schedules. You can also group your backup tasks into a task group. For details, see Adding a Task to the Task Group.
  6. Once you have configured a schedule, you have to create a new backup event for it. For general information on backup event configuration, see Creating a Backup Event.

Monitoring backup

You can view the status of your backup jobs in the GUI (Monitoring -> Last Backup State or Job State -> Backups) or SEP sesam Web UI. The backup status overview provides detailed information about the last run of backup jobs, including task name, start and stop time of the last backup, backup level, data size, throughput, assigned media pool, etc.

See also

OpenText GroupWise ConfigurationOpenText GroupWise Restore

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