Archive:SEP sesam Extension for Novell Groupwise 2012/2014
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SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home. |
Functional principle
The functionality of backup and restore is included in the Sesam Novell Clienten Version 4.2.x and higher. The module use the Novell SMDR services and TSA functions.
Supported Groupwise object types:
- Groupwise Domains
- Groupwise Postoffices
- Groupwise Libraries
Hint |
Libraries with Storage Areas inside the postoffice, will be saved with the postoffice. For Storage Areas outside of the postoffice, see here. |
- single objects from user mailbox ( restore postoffice to "restore area", user undelete the objects with Groupwise Windows client )
- whole mailbox ( restore postoffice to "restore area", administrative recover by admin with ConsoleOne / AdminConsole for 2014 )
- domains ( restore of the domain to a temporary folder and use of the required files )
- libraries ( restore of the library folders from postoffice backup [in case of library storage areas inside of postoffice structure] respectively restore of the library databases from the postoffice backup and restore of the external storage area and use of the required files )
Hint |
For the next steps after the file restore via SEP Sesam see the Novell Groupwise 2012 / 2014 documentation. |
New since version ...
Sesam Novell Client 4.2.2-35
- Backup of GroupWise2014 is supported
- during task creation the real size of the GroupWise folders is shown
Sesam Novell Client 4.2.1-40
- Backup of GroupWise2012 on NON NSS Filesystems is supported
- we prevent the selection of files or folders below the root level folder of the GroupWise object
Hint |
The GroupWise Server must be an OES Server, also if GroupWise runs on NON NSS Filesystems. |
Sesam Novell Client 4.2.1-37
- path relocation on restore is possible (Sesam Server 4.2.1-37 or higher required)
Restrictions / known issues
- on backup task creation it's not possible the browse subfolders of GroupWise objects on NON NSS filesystems
- The configuration of the TSAFS will not be checked.
- One backup task per Groupwise module is required.
- GroupWise 2014 objects are shown as "GroupWise2012" in the GUI, this is a cosmetic error
- On a Groupwise Cluster you see "Groupwise System 2012" and not "Groupwise Cluster System 2012".
- plain restore (files from different folders to a single folder) isn't possible (Checkbox "original tree structure" in step 5 of the restore wizard is deselected)
obsolete since Sesam Novell Client 4.2.1-40
- It is possible to browse to subfolder and select files or subfolder during task creation, but the backup will fail if you do this!
- Only Groupwise modules on NSS Filesystems can be backed up.
obsolete since Sesam Novell Client 4.2.2-35
- on backup task creation the folder size of the GroupWise objects shows a wrong value in the GUI
- running Groupwise 2012/2014 System ( all Postoffice/Domain/Library Object on OES Servers)
- correct name resolution DNS and reverse DNS ( SEP Sesam Server, DataMover Server, Groupwise Server / Cluster Ressource, Cluster Nodes )
- working SLP name resolution in the network ( running slpd on the OES servers )
- SEP Sesam Server 4.2.1.x or higher ( configured and running )
- SEP Sesam Server or higher for restore with path relocation ( configured and running )
- DataMover Server ( OES11 or OES2 with installed and activated SMDR modules ) with actually SEP Sesam Backup Client and SEP Sesam Novell Client >=
- SEP Sesam Server 4.2.2-40 for GroupWise 2014
- DataMover Server ( OES11 or OES2 with installed and activated SMDR modules ) with actually SEP Sesam Backup Client and SEP Sesam Novell Client >= for GroupWise 2014
Groupwise Server generally
- The TSAFS modul must work in Linux mode (not Dual or Netware) and the switch --EnableGW is required.
- The Groupwise configuration file gwha.conf must exists in the folder /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/ .
- The Groupwise name of the startup files for Postoffices / Domains must be ending with *.poa respectively *.mta .
- The "home" switch in the startup files must have the syntax "-- home /<path>/", as described in the Novell documentation for GroupWise 2012 / 2014
- If the file gwha.conf exists in an other folder, see The file gwha.conf not exist in the default folder or Groupwise Libraries with external Storage Areas exists
Groupwise as standalone server
Groupwise Server ( OES11 oder OES2 with installed and activated SMDR modules and TSAFS ) with actually SEP Sesam Client.
Hint |
Groupwise as a Novell cluster resource
All Cluster Nodes for Groupwise resource ( OES11 or OES2 with installed and activated SMDR modules and TSAFS ) with actually SEP Sesam Client.
Hint |
Download and install the following items:
- Use the current SEP sesam backup client for the appropriate server platform (SLES10/11 x32/x64) from
- Install the SEP sesam backup client on the Sesam DataMover and / or Groupwise server / Cluster nodes
rpm -Uvh <path to sesam client>/<client package> - Use the current SEP Sesam Novell Client >= 4.2.x from
- Install the SEP sesam Novell client on the SEP sesam server or Sesam DataMover or Groupwise server
rpm -Uvh <path to Sesam Novell client package>/<Novell client package>
on Groupwise Server / Cluster Nodes:
- check if SMDRD is running and TSAFS is loades correctly
rcnovell-smdrd status Checking for smdr daemon: running
- check file /etc/opt/novell/sms/tsafs.conf for line
- check file /etc/opt/novell/sms/smdrd.conf for line
autoload: tsafs --EnableGW
autoload: tsafs --EnableGW --tsamode=linux
( only if the tsamode in the tsafs.conf isn't set to linux )
- check if TSAFS is loaded
/opt/novell/sms/bin/smsconfig -t loaded TSAs tsafs --EnableGW --tsamode=linux tsands
If you set the Linux TSA Mode in the tsafs.conf and not in the smdrd.conf, only the --EnableGW switch is visible
Hint |
A valid access from the Sesam DataMover to the SEP sesam client on the Groupwise server respectively the cluster nodes is required. Run the following command on the Groupwise server respectively on each cluster node |
If the file gwha.conf not exist...
Problem 1: Groupwise configuration file gwha.conf doesn't exist in the default folder /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/
- copy the file gwsep.conf from /opt/sesam/skel/templates/ to /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/
- edit gwsep.conf and add the following line in the [MISC] section:
gwha=<path to gwha.conf>/gwha.conf
Sample gwha=/etc/mygw/config/gwha.conf
Problem 2: Libraries with external storage areas
Add one section per Storage Area with the syntax:
[<Name of Storage Area>.<Postoffice>.<Domain>] home=<path to storage area>
Sample [ablage1.po1.dom1] home=/var/grpwise/ablage1
Hint |
The file gwsep.conf must be copied to all cluster nodes and edited. The file must be identically on all nodes. |
Configuration of Sesam clients in the GUI
- add Groupwise Server as client
OS = Linux Type = OES Linux Name = NCP Server Name (via DNS resolvable) add DataMover Server and Novell credentials
- Cluster -> add ressource as client
OS = Linux Type = OES Linux Name = virtual NCP Server Name as shown in ConsoleOne (via DNS resolvable) add DataMover Server and Novell credentials
Hint |
For GroupWise on NON-NSS Filesystem (POSIX) use root user for Novell credentials or give your LUM-enabled eDir user the required POSIX permissions. |
Backup task configuration
- create a new backup task for the Groupwise Server
- browse the client ( "Novell Netware" )
- select a Groupwise object
Hint |
You must select the highest level of the Groupwise object as shown. If you browse the object directory and select a subfolder or file, the backup will fail. (Since version 4.2.1-40 the possibility to select subfolder or files is suppressed.) |
- choose "OK"
Hint |
Restore the Groupwise data as a normal file restore into the "Restore Area" you've defined in your Groupwise System. For the recover of the missing objects the user must use the Groupwise Windows Cient or the Admin can recover all missing objects with ConsoelOne. (see Novell Groupwise 2012 documentation)
- create a new restore task for the Groupwise Server
- select the appropriate saveset
- browse to the root of the Groupwise object
- choose your restore area as "new restore target" and select "Originale Tree Structure"
- click on "Expert Options" -> Tab "Relocation"
- select "with relocation" and choose on the left side the source folder and on the right sight the target folder
- click "start" or "save"
Hint |
The tab "Relocation" and the "Original tree structure" require SEP Sesam Server 4.2.1-37 or higher and for correct restore you need SEP Sesam Novell Client 4.2.1-37 or higher. For SEP Sesam server < version 4.2.1-37: Sample Backup Source: /media/nss/GW/grpwise/po1/* Restore target path: /restore/area1/ will be restored to: /restore/area1/media/nss/GW/grpwise/po1/* move the content from * including subfolders to /restore/area1/* |