5 0 0:Configuration Files

From SEPsesam

This is documentation for SEP sesam version 5.0.0 Jaglion.
This is not the latest version of SEP sesam documentation and, as such, does not provide information on features introduced in the latest release. For more information on SEP sesam releases, see SEP sesam Release Versions. For the latest documentation, check SEP sesam documentation.


SEP sesam Server stores configuration data in *.ini files, which are located in the var\ini directory by default. In these .ini files, the settings for LOG level, timeouts or the ports used (e.g. sms/stpd/...) are located and can be modified.

SEP sesam disaster recovery (self-backup) backs up the SEP sesam's var directory, including all listings, log files, database and .ini files to ensure consistent configuration after restoring from backup.

When running a self-backup, all configuration files are already included in the backup task and there is no need to back up the configuration directory separately.

Configuration files



Contains the SEP sesam configuration, specifically the paths for the binaries and the SEP sesam var area. Additionally, it contains the GV variables, standard excludes for backups (e.g., which services are active), and various installation and update information. It is also possible to manually configure additional exclude patterns.


Contains the settings for the SEP sesam Multiplexing Server (SMS). User defined settings, e.g. Default_Segment_Size or Read_Block_Size can be essential.


Contains the settings for the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server (STPD). Restoring these settings during a disaster recovery is optional.



Contains the SEP sesam license and is required for the operation of the SEP sesam system.



The file sets the GUI user permissions for the GUI server according to java.security.policy and is required for access to the SEP sesam system when policy-based authentication is used. However, it is recommended to use database-based authentication. For details on authentication, see About Authentication and Authorization.



Contains the debug levels for the SEP sesam kernel modules. Restoring these settings during a disaster recovery is optional.



This folder contains the key pairs for sm_sshd.


This folder contains the certificates for rmi and stpd.


This folder contains the configuration files for the individual datastores.

See also

SEP sesam Server Disaster RecoveryDirectory Layout

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