SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix

Welcome to the latest SEP sesam documentation version 5.1.0 Apollon. For previous documentation version(s), check documentation archive.


The support matrix lists all configurations and versions currently available by SEP sesam and SEP IT-Save. SEP sesam automatically detects the hardware configuration of your environment. Note that SEP sesam only recognizes storage devices that are known to or listed by the operating system, such as OS where the Master Server/Remote Device Server will be installed. For details, see Storage Hardware page.
See also the new Release Notes v. 5.1.0 Apollon.

SEP sesam Client versions that are last available for a platform, are still supported.

SEP sesam Backup Servers and Clients

It is recommended to upgrade the SEP sesam Server and Client components to the latest version as part of the regular upgrade process (check the list of SEP sesam release versions). This ensures the highest possible protection of the SEP sesam Clients. Customers with a valid license are entitled to a free SEP sesam upgrade for each new version until the end of the license term. Before upgrading your SEP sesam environment, check the support matrix.

Click for version
Linux Windows Solaris AIX MacOS BSD HP-UX NetApp ONTAP NetWare NDMP Other


SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on Additional notes
SLES 15 SP4 or higher (ARM64 (AArch64), ppc (Power), x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y For SEP sesam DB PostgreSQL v. ≤15 is required
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
SLES 12 (ppc (Power), x86-64) Notec Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y SLES12SP5 required
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
SLES 11 (i386, x86-64) Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
SLES 11 (Power) Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
SLES 10 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
SLES 9 (i386, x86-64, Power) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client 4.2  Y
SLES 8 (i386) Server -
Client 4.0  Y
SLES 7 (i386) Server -
Client 4.0  Y
OES CE 24.4 (x86-64) Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
OES 2023 (x86-64) Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
OES 2018 (x86-64) Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
OES 2015 (x86-64) Noteb Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
OES 11 SP2 or higher (x86-64) Noteb Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
OES 11 (x86-64) Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
OES 2 (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
OES 2 (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
OES 1 (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y

The SEP sesam OpenText (Micro Focus/Novell) OES module is already a part of the SLES 12 and SLES 15 packages. It is not required to download and install any separate sesam-novell-client package.


OES 11 SP2 eDirectory (NetIQ Directory) has been available by SEP sesam since version 4.2.2-40 and with SEP Sesam Novell Client 4.2.2-35. For additional information, see OES11Sp2 eDir.


For Sesam Server installations, SLES12 Service Pack 5 is required.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

Red Hat
OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
RHEL 9 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RHEL 8 (ARM64 (AArch64), ppc (Power), x86-64) Notec Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RHEL 7 (Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE, x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
RHEL 6 (Power, x86-64) Server Grolar  N October 2021
RDS Grolar  N October 2021
Client 4.4  Y
RHEL 6 (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
RHEL 5 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
RHEL 4 (i386) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
AlmaLinux 9 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
AlmaLinux 8 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Rocky Linux 9 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Rocky Linux 8 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
CentOS 8 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
CentOS 7 (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
CentOS 6 (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
CentOS 6 (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
CentOS 5 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
CentOS 4 (i386) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y

Available up to RHEL 8.6

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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Oracle Linux 9 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Oracle Linux 8 (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Oracle Linux 7 (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Oracle Linux 6 (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
Oracle Linux 6 (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Oracle Linux 7 - Unbreakable Enterprise Linux Kernel (UEK) (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Oracle Linux 6 - Unbreakable Enterprise Linux Kernel (UEK) (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
Oracle Linux 6 - Unbreakable Enterprise Linux Kernel (UEK) (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y

Note that SEP sesam packages for RHV are used for Oracle Linux (OLVM), because it is completely compatible with RHV.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Debian 12 Bookworm (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Debian 11 Bullseye (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Debian 10 Buster (x86-64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Debian 9 Stretch (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Debian 8 Jessie (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
Debian 7 Wheezy (x86-64) Server Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client Grolar  Y
Debian 7 Wheezy (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Debian 6 Squeeze (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Debian 5 Lenny (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client 4.2  Y
Debian 4 Etch (i386, x86-64) Server -
RDS 3.6  N June 2012
Client 4.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (x86-64)Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Ubuntu 23.10 (x86-64)Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (x86-64)Noteb Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (x86-64) Notec Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (x86-64)Noted Server 5.1 Apollon  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon  Y
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (x86-64, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE)Notee Server Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client Beefalo V2  Y
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (x86-64)Notef Server 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (i386)Notef Server 4.4.2  N January 2020
RDS 4.4.2  N January 2020
Client 4.4.3 Tigon  Y
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (x86-64, i386) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
Ubuntu 11.04 (x86-64) Server 4.4  N October 2018
RDS 4.4  N October 2018
Client 4.4  Y
Ubuntu 11.04 (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Ubuntu 08.10 (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
Ubuntu 08.04 LTS (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
Ubuntu 07.10 (i386) Server -
Client 4.0  Y

For Ubuntu 23.10 and 24.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 12 Bookworm. See also Debian Repository.


For Ubuntu 22.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 11 Bullseye. See also Debian Repository.


For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 10 Buster. See also Debian Repository.


For Ubuntu 18.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 9 Stretch. See also Debian Repository.


For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 8 Jessie. See also Debian Repository.


For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS use the Debian distribution package for Debian 7 Wheezy. See also Debian Repository.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Univention UCS 5.0 (x86-64) Note UCS 5.0 Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Univention UCS 4.4 (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Univention UCS 4.3 (x86-64) Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Univention UCS 4.2 (x86-64) Server 4.4.3 Grolar  N October 2021
RDS 4.4.3 Grolar  N October 2021
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Univention UCS 4.1 (x86-64) Server 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client 4.4.3 Tigon V2  Y
Univention UCS 4.0 (x86-64) Server 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client 4.4.3 Tigon V2  Y
Univention UCS 3.2 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Univention UCS 3.1 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Univention UCS 3.0 (i386, x86-64) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Univention UCS 2.4 (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
Univention UCS 2.3 (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
Univention UCS 2.2 (i386, x86-64) Server  N December 2014
RDS  N December 2014
Client  Y
Univention UCS 2.0 (i386, x86-64) Server -
Client 4.0  Y
Note UCS 5.0

The SEP sesam package is not part of the UCS 5.0 (beta) distribution. You have to install the SEP sesam Debian package.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Other (unsupported) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Windows Server 2025 (x64) Notee Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2022 Core (x64) Notea Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2022 (x64) Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2019 Core (x64) Noteb Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2019 (x64) Noteb Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2016 Core (x64) Notec Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2016 (x64) Notec Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows 11 (x64) Notea Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows 10 (x64) Server 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
RDS 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64) Notec Server 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
RDS 5.0 Jaglion V2  N May 2023
Client 5.0 Jaglion V2  Y
Windows Server 2012 R2 Core (x64) Notec Server -
Client 5.0 Jaglion  Y
Windows Server 2012 (x64) Notec Server 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  Y
Windows Server 2012 Core (x64) Notec Server -
Client 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  Y
Windows Small Business Server 2011 (x64) Noted Server 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  Y
Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Server 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
RDS 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  N August 2023
Client 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  Y
Windows Server 2008 R2 Core (x64) Server -
Client 4.4.3 Beefalo V2  Y
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) Server 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM) Server -
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (x64) Server 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
RDS 4.4.3 Tigon V2  N December 2020
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows Server 2003 R2 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM, x64) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Windows Server 2003 ≥ SP2 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM, x64) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Windows 8 (x64) Server 4.4.3 Grolar  N October 2021
RDS 4.4.3 Grolar  N October 2021
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows 8 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM) Server -
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows 7 (x64) Server -
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows 7 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM) Server -
Client 4.4.3 Grolar  Y
Windows Vista (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM, x64) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Windows XP ≥ SP2 (x86 ≤ 3GB RAM, x64) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Windows 2000 Server -
Client 3.6  Y
Windows NT Server -
Client 3.2  Y

Windows Server 2022 support (without BSR Windows Disaster Recovery) was introduced with version 5.0.0 Jaglion, while Windows 11 support (without BSR Windows Disaster Recovery) was introduced with version 5.0.0 Jaglion V2. BSR Windows Disaster Recovery is fully supported for both, Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11, with 5.1.0 Apollon.


Windows Server 2019 support was introduced with version 4.4.3 Grolar, but was recognized as Windows Server 2016. With version 5.0, Windows Server 2019 is normally detected.


Microsoft Data Deduplication Enabled Volumes are supported since version 4.4.


The only supported edition is the Windows SBS Standard Edition. The Essentials Edition is not supported!


Windows Server 2025 support (without BSR Windows Disaster Recovery) was introduced with version 5.1.0 Apollon V2. The BSR Windows Disaster Recovery will be made available with the delivery of the Artemis version.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Solaris 11 (i386, x86-64) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Solaris 11 (sparc) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
Solaris 10 (sparc, i386) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Solaris 9 (sparc) Server 4.2  N September 2016
RDS 4.2  N September 2016
Client 4.2  Y
Solaris 8 (sparc) Server -
Client 3.0  Y
Solaris 7 (sparc) Server -
Client 3.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
AIX 7.x Server -
RDS 4.4.3  N January 2020
Client 4.4.3  Y
AIX 6 Server -
RDS 4.0  N July 2013
Client 4.0  Y
AIX 5.x Server -
RDS 4.0  N July 2013
Client 4.0  Y
AIX 4.3 Server -
Client 3.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
MacOS X 10.8 (Intel) Server -
Client 4.2  Y
MacOS X 10.6 (Intel) Server -
Client 4.2.2  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
FreeBSD 8 (i386, x86_64) Server 4.0  N July 2013
RDS 4.0  N July 2013
Client 4.0  Y
OpenBSD 4.6 Server -
Client 4.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
HP-UX 11 ia64 Server -
Client 4.0  Y
HP-UX 11 risc Server -
Client 3.0  Y
HP-UX 10 risc Server -
Client 3.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
≥ ONTAP 9.x Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
≥ ONTAP 8.x (7-Mode and clustered data) Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
ONTAP 7.x.x–8.2.x (7-Mode and clustered data) Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
ONTAP 7.x.x - 8.2.x (7-Mode only) Server -
Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
NetWare 6.x Server -
Client 4.0  Y
NetWare 5.1 Server -
Client 4.0  Y
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SEP sesam Release Versions

OS SEP sesam package Last supported with Supported Discontinued on
Dell EMC Unity Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
NetApp ONTAP Client 5.1 Apollon V2  Y
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Object Storage

SEP sesam Release Versions

As of version 5.0.0.x Jaglion, SEP sesam supports S3 as a generic interface based on the new deduplication store Si3 NG.
Some S3 targets are already supported, others have been looked at in more detail (see list below) and are currently being tested.

Vendor Type Status Notea
AWS S3 Public Cloud Supported
Clyso S3 Public Cloud Supported Notec
EL Storage S3 Public Cloud Certified
IBM Cloud S3 Public Cloud Supported
Wasabi S3 Public Cloud Certified
DataCore Swarm S3 Local Object Storage Supported Noteb
Huawei OceanStor Pacific S3 Local Object Storage Supported Notec
MinIO S3 Local Object Storage Supported
Nutanix Objects S3 Local Object Storage Supported Noteb
PureStorage FlashBlade S3 Local Object Storage Supported
FAST LTA Silent Brick System S3 Local Object Storage Supported
Vendor Type Status
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Supported Noteb

SEP sesam Si3 NG can be used with various S3-compatible cloud implementations. The configuration and management of Si3 NG in an S3-compatible cloud implementation is similar to the example shown in Backup to S3 Cloud Storage. Note, however, that only some S3-compatible cloud environments have already been validated by SEP, while others may not work in some cases. You are solely responsible for using SEP sesam in a non-S3 compatible cloud environment and agree that SEP shall not be responsible for it.


Supported as of ≥ Jaglion V2.


Supported as of ≥ Apollon.

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SEP sesam integration with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst

SEP sesam Release Versions

Supported OS Notea Minimum HPE StoreOnce software version Noteb Supported features Supported extensions
RHEL x64 (9.x, 8.x, 7.x) Gen3 ≥ 3.18.7
Gen4 ≥ 4.1.3
CoE (Catalyst Backup over Ethernet) HPE StoreOnce Storage
  • used as a Catalyst copy target for SEP sesam replication
  • cannot be used as a backup target

HPE Cloud Volumes
  • can be used as both a Catalyst copy target and a backup target
  • Minimum HPE StoreOnce software version ≥ 4.2.3
SLES x64 (15.x, 12.x) CoFC (Catalyst Backup over Fibre Channel)
CentOS (8.0, 7.x) CCoE (Catalyst Copy over Ethernet)
Oracle Linux (9., 8., 7.) CCoFC (Catalyst Copy over Fibre Channel)
Debian (12, 11, 10) Notec CBS (Catalyst Cloud Bank Storage)
Ubuntu (22.4, 20.04, 18.04, 16.04) Notec CBS Dir Res (Cloud Bank Storage Direct Restore)
Windows Server 2022 (x64) SHA-256 (SHA-256 Catalyst client password policy)
Windows Server 2019 (x64) DI (Catalyst Data Immutability)
Windows Server 2016 (x64) IR (Instant Recovery supported for VMware)
Windows 11, 10 (x64) Live-Mount (Mounting is supported with any type of savesets for backup type-specific actions, e.g. browsing, selective restore, with DB explorer)

SEP sesam Server/RDS kit Linux distributions which are using/supporting HPE Catalyst Library.


SEP sesam support is storage model-agnostic. Support is based on the minimum StoreOnce software version and on the supported OS version.


Supported as of ≥ Jaglion V2.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

Supported Client Server RDS GUI
Tru64 5.x alpha
SINIX 5.44 mips
FreeBSD 5 i386
SCO-UX i386 i386
VMS alpha
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SEP sesam Bare Metal Recovery Linux

SEP sesam Release Versions

Linux BSR based on REAR Platform Version
SLES 15 x86-64 5.1
Supported up to Service Pack 5 (SLES 15 SP5)
SLES 12 x86-64, Power* IBM Linux ONE*
SLES 11 i386, x86-64, Power* Grolar only if UEFI BIOS is used. Version is the last version with integrated REAR 2.4. Later REAR versions (≥ REAR 2.5) no longer support SLES 11 (with UEFI).

To continue using BSR SLES 11, you should not upgrade to a later version of SEP sesam.

SLES 10 ≥ SP2 i386, x86-64
RHEL 9 x86-64 5.1
RHEL 8 x86-64 5.0
Supported up to Service Pack 3 (RHEL 8.3)
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power*
RHEL 6 i386, x86-64, Power*
CentOS 8 i386, x86-64 5.1
CentOS 6 i386, x86-64
Debian 12 Bookworm x86-64 5.1
Debian 11 Bullseye x86-64 5.1
Debian 10 Buster x86-64 5.0
Debian 8 Jessie i386, x86-64
Debian 7 Wheezy i386, x86-64
  • Systems that use UEFI as a boot loader are currently only supported on SLES
  • On SLES creating a UEFI-bootable recovery image is only possible with additional packages. For details, see UEFI.
  • Virtual machines running on XEN cannot be backed up with SEP sesam BSR solution
  • The resulting ISO image containing a paravirtualized kernel is not bootable. Please use the SEP Sesam Citrix XEN module for Citrix XEN Server to create a consistent and relevant backup for a disaster recovery.
  • Power PC
  • For PowerPC and Linux One Systems, contact SEP sesam sales.
    These architectures may not work out of the box or require special configuration. Consultation for these systems is available according to the price list.
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SEP sesam Bare Metal Recovery Windows

SEP sesam Release Versions

Windows BSR Pro Platform Version
Windows Server 2022 x64 5.1 Apollon V2
Windows Server 2019 x64 5.1 Apollon
Windows Server 2016 x64 5.0 Jaglion V2
Windows Server 2012 [R2] x64 5.0 Jaglion V2
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Beefalo V2
Windows Server 2008 x86, x64 4.4.3 Grolar
Windows 10 x86, x64 4.4.3 Grolar
Windows 8[.1] x86, x64 4.4.3 Tigon
Windows 7 x86, x64 4.4.3 Grolar
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SEP sesam VM extensions

Click for version

VMware Citrix XCP-ng Hyper-V RHV
OLVM KVM Proxmox OpenNebula Nutanix


SEP sesam Release Versions

As the VMware version information can be changed by VMware, SEP recommends to check the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix.

The Windows installation of SEP sesam 5.2.0 Artemis will no longer include the sbc linked to OpenSSL 1.0.2, located in the subfolder bin\sesam\sbc_ssl102. As a result, support for vSphere versions 6.5 and older is discontinued.

VDDK 8.0 with OpenSSL 3.0 continues to support vSphere versions 6.7 and newer.

VMware version Note a
Supported VDDK Note b SEP sesam Release Versions Limitations
vSphere 8.0 VDDK 8.0.2 (included in Windows SEP sesam client ≥ 5.1.0 Apollon V2 Check VMware VDDK 8.0.2 Release Notes for compatibility and known issues.
VDDK 7.0.3 (manual update required) Note d 5.1.0 Apollon Check VMware VDDK 8.0.1 Release Notes for compatibility and issues.
vSphere 7.0 VDDK 8.0.2 (included in Windows SEP sesam client ≥ 5.1.0 Apollon V2 Check VMware VDDK 8.0.2 Release Notes for compatibility and known issues.
VDDK 7.0.3 (manual update required) Note d 5.0.0 Jaglion Check VMware VDDK 7.0.3 Release Notes for compatibility and issues.
VDDK 6.5.2 (see limitations!) Note c 4.4.3 Beefalo V2 (see limitations!) vSphere 7.0 with VDDK 6.5.2 is not officially supported by VMware. However, some customers are backing up vSphere 7.0 with Beefalo version 2, which contains VDDK 6.5.2. Although this version of VDDK is not officially supported for vSphere 7.0, it appears to work. Note that any issues related to the use of this officially unsupported version are the responsibility of the user and not SEP sesam or VMware.
vSphere 6.7 (supported proxy OS) VDDK 8.0.2 (included in Windows SEP sesam client ≥ 5.1.0 Apollon V2 Check VMware VDDK 8.0.2 Release Notes for compatibility and known issues.
VDDK 7.0.3 (manual update required) Note d 5.0.0 Jaglion Check VMware VDDK 7.0.3 Release Notes for compatibility and issues.
VDDK 6.5.2 (manual update required)
VDDK 6.0.3 (manual update required)
4.4.3 Grolar and Beefalo Check VMware VDDK 6.7 Release Notes for compatibility and issues.
vSphere 6.5 (supported proxy OS) VDDK 6.5.2 (manual update required)
VDDK 6.0.3 (included in SEP sesam Windows client ≥
VDDK 6.0.2 (included in SEP sesam Windows client ≤
4.4.3 Tigon and Tigon V2 (
vSphere 6.0 VDDK 6.0.2 ≤
vSphere 5.5 VDDK 5.5 – 5.5.5 4.4.2
vSphere 5.1 VDDK 5.1 ≤ 4.4.1
vSphere 5.0 VDDK 5.0 ≤ 4.4.1

As of VMware vSphere 5, backup with SEP sesam is only supported with a licensed ESXi hypervisor. Backup of ESXi 5.5 hypervisors is supported as of SEP sesam version


The VMware policy concerning backward and forward compatibility is for VDDK to support N-2 and N+1 releases (except for new features). For example,

  • VDDK 8.0 (and all its update releases) will support vSphere 6.7, 7.0.x, and (except for new features) the next major release.
  • VDDK 7.0 (and all its update releases) supports vSphere 6.0, 6.5 and 8.0,
  • VDDK 6.0 (and all its update releases) supports vSphere 5.1, 5.5, and 6.5.

VDDK 6.5.2 was tested by VMware with the following operating systems to perform proxy backup:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux; RHEL 6.7, 6.8, 7.2 and 7.3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server; SLES 11 SP4 and SLES 12 SP1

VDDK 7.0.3 supports the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016, including versions 1709 and 1803
  • Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7.7, 8.0 and 8.3
  • CentOS 7.7 and 8.3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 12 SP5 and 15 SP1
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SEP sesam Release Versions

Citrix has rebranded its virtualization platform. Names Citrix Hypervisor and XenServer refer to the same virtualization solution offered by Citrix.
Citrix version Version CBT support VSS and quiesced snapshots
XenServer 8.4 5.1 Notec No longer supported. Notea
Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 5.0 Available for Premium Edition (previously Enterprise Edition). Notec No longer supported. Notea
Citrix Hypervisor 8.1 5.0 Available for Premium Edition (previously Enterprise Edition). Notec No longer supported. Notea
Citrix Hypervisor 8.0 5.0 Available for Premium Edition (previously Enterprise Edition). Notec Supported. Noteb
XenServer 7.6 5.0 Available for XenServer Enterprise Edition. Supported. Noteb
XenServer 7.3 5.0 Available for XenServer Enterprise Edition. Supported. Noteb
XenServer 7.2 X Supported. Noteb
XenServer 7.1 X Supported. Noteb
XenServer 6.5 X Supported. Noteb
XenServer 6.2 X Supported. Noteb
XenServer 6.0 X Supported. Noteb
XenServer 5.6 X Supported. Noteb

VSS and quiesced snapshots of Windows VMs are only supported in Citrix Hypervisor 8.0 and earlier; they have been removed in Citrix Hypervisor ≥ 8.1 and in the version ≥ 9.0.x.x drivers. For more information, see Citrix Hypervisor 8.1 Deprecations and removals.


To continue using the quiesced snapshot feature with Windows VMs hosted on Citrix Hypervisor 8.0 and earlier, keep your current 8.2.x.x version of the Windows I/O drivers and do not update to the 9.0.x.x drivers.


Citrix Hypervisor (XenServer) Changed Block Tracking (CBT) is required for single file restore.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

XCP-ng version Version CBT support VSS and quiesced snapshots
XCP-ng 8.0 5.0 XCP-ng CBT is available. Supported. Note
XCP-ng 7.6 5.0 XCP-ng CBT is available. Supported. Note

As XCP-ng is based on Citrix Hypervisor that has removed support for VSS and quiesced snapshots in Citrix Hypervisor ≥ 8.1 and in version ≥ 9.0.x.x drivers, the following applies: To continue using the quiesced snapshot feature with Windows VMs hosted on XCP-ng 8.0 and earlier, keep your current 8.2.x.x version of the Windows I/O drivers and do not update to the 9.0.x.x drivers. For more information, see XCP ng 8.1 Release Notes and Citrix Hypervisor 8.1 Deprecations and removals.

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SEP sesam Release Versions

Hyper-V version Version
Hyper-V Server 2022 5.1
Hyper-V Server 2019 5.1
Hyper-V Server 2016 5.0
Hyper-V 3.0 Server 2012 R2 - with/without CSV 4.4.3
Hyper-V 3.0 Server 2012 - only without CSV 4.4.2
Hyper-V 2.0 Server 2008 R2 - only without CSV 4.4.1
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Red Hat Virtualization (RHV/RHEV)

SEP sesam Release Versions

RHV/RHEV version Version
RHV 4.4 5.0
RHV 4.3 5.0
RHV 4.2 5.0
RHV 4.1 5.0
RHV 4.0 5.0
RHEV 3.6 5.0
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Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM)

SEP sesam Release Versions

OHV version Version
OLVM 4.4 5.0
OLVM 4.3 5.0
OLVM 4.2 5.0
The RHV module supports the oVirt framework for virtualization that is also used by Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. For details, see the OLVM documentation.
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SEP sesam Release Versions

Supported OS (with KVM/libvirt) Version
Debian, RHEL, SLES, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE, Oracle Linux (for other OS please contact 5.0
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Proxmox VE

SEP sesam Release Versions

Version SEP sesam version
Proxmox 8.3 5.1
Proxmox 8.0 - 8.2 5.1
Proxmox 7.3 5.0
Proxmox 5.4 5.0
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SEP sesam Release Versions

Version Supported OS SEP sesam version
OpenNebula 6.0 Debian 10 (for other OS please contact 5.0
OpenNebula 5.10.1 Debian 10 (for other OS please contact 5.0
OpenNebula 5.12 Debian/Ubuntu (for other OS please contact 5.0
OpenNebula 5.8 Ubuntu (for other OS please contact 5.0
OpenNebula 5.2.1 Ubuntu (for other OS please contact 5.0
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Nutanix AHV

SEP sesam Release Versions

Version SEP sesam version
Nutanix AHV (AOS LTS) 5.1
Nutanix AHV (AOS 5.20.X) 5.0
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SEP sesam database and groupware online backup modules

Click for version
Informix IBM DB2 Microsoft SQL Server MySQL/MariaDB PostgreSQL


All components for setting up the Oracle extension are already included in the SEP sesam installation packages.

Version Oracle 9i Oracle 10g Oracle 11g Oracle 12c/18c/19c Note Oracle 21c Note
SLES 15 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64
SLES 12 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64
RHEL 9 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64
RHEL 8 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64
Solaris 11 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
Windows Server 2022 x64 x64
Windows Server 2019 x64 x64
Windows Server 2016 x64 x64
Windows 11 x86, x64
Windows 10 x86 x86

With Oracle databases v. ≥ 12c, multitenant architecture is supported to enable backup and restore of multitenant container databases (CDBs) and pluggable databases (PDBs) in a similar way to traditional Oracle databases (non-CDBs). For details, see Backing up CDBs and PDBs.

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All components for setting up the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 (formerly SAP Sybase ASE) extension are already included in the SEP sesam installation packages.

Version SAP ASE 16.0
SLES 15 x86-64, Power
SLES 12 x86-64, Power
RHEL 9 x86-64
RHEL 8 x86-64
RHEL 7 x86-64
Windows Server 2022 x64
Windows Server 2019 x64
Windows Server 2016 x64
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SEP sesam supports SAP IQ 16.x.

Support is provided by the libsepsybasebr library, which is based on the library for SAP ASE. More detailed information on the SAP IQ module is available on request via contact SEP sesam sales.


All components for setting up the SAP HANA extension are already included in the SEP sesam installation packages. For more information on certified integration with SAP applications, see SAP solutions.

SLES 15 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
SLES 15 for SAP x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
SLES 12 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
SLES 12 for SAP x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
RHEL 9 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
RHEL 9 for SAP x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
RHEL 8 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
RHEL 7 for SAP HANA x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
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SAP NetWeaver

All components for setting up the SAP NetWeaver extension are already included in the SEP sesam installation packages. For more information on certified integration with SAP applications, see SAP solutions.

Version SAP Oracle SAP MaxDB 7.6 - 7.9
SLES 12 x86-64 x86-64, Power
SLES 11 x86-64 x86-64, Power
SLES 10 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
RHEL 7 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
RHEL 6 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
RHEL 5 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
AIX 7 Power
Windows Server 2016 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 [R2] x64 x64
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All components for setting up the MAX-DB extension are already included in the SEP sesam installation packages.

Version MaxDB 7.2 - 7.9
SLES 12 x86-64, Power
SLES 11 x86-64, Power
SLES 10 i386, x86-64
SLES 9 i386, x86-64
SLES 8 i386
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power
RHEL 6 x86-64, Power
RHEL 5 i386, x86-64
RHEL 4 i386
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Version Informix 7 Informix 9 Informix 10 Informix 11 Informix 12
SLES 12 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64 i386/x64
SLES 11 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64 i386/x64
SLES 10 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64
SLES 9 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64
RHEL 7 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64 i386/x64
RHEL 6 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64 i386/x64
RHEL 5 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64
RHEL 4 i386 i386 i386 i386/x64
Windows Server 2012 [R2] x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 [R2] x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2003 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x64
Windows 7 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x64
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All required components for IBM DB2 may already be included in the SEP sesam Client package. If not, you can download the extension from the SEP Download Center.

Version DB2 8 DB2 9 DB2 10 DB2 11
SLES 15 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
SLES 12 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
SLES 11 i386, x86-64, Power i386, x86-64, Power i386, x86-64, Power x86-64, Power
SLES 10 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64 x86-64
SLES 9 i386 i386
RHEL 9 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 8 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 6 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64 i386, x86-64
Windows Server 2022 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows Server 2019 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows Server 2016 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows Server 2012 [R2] x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
AIX 7 Power Power Power
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Microsoft SQL Server

All required components are already included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Version SQL Server 2005 (Express) SQL Server 2008 (Express) SQL Server 2008 R2 (Express) SQL Server 2012 (Express) SQL Server 2014 (Express) SQL Server 2016 (Express) SQL Server 2017 (Express) SQL Server 2019 (Express) SQL Server 2022 (Express)
Windows Server 2022 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2019 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2016 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows Server 2008 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows Server 2003 x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows XP x86, x64 x86, x64 x86, x64
Windows 2000 x86
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All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Version MySQL 4 MySQL 5 MariaDB 10 MariaDB 11
SLES 15 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
SLES 12 x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 9 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 8 x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
Debian 12 Bookworm x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
Debian 11 Bullseye x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
Debian 10 Buster x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
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PostgreSQL / EnterpriseDB

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package. Note that the SEP sesam installation on RHEL changes the permissions of /var/run/postgresql to grant PostgreSQL access rights to the SEP sesam user.

Version PostgreSQL 8 Enterprise DB 8.3 PostgreSQL 9 Enterprise DB 9.5 PostgreSQL 10 PostgreSQL 11-16
SLES 15 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
SLES 12 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 9 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 8 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
RHEL 7 x86-64, Power x86-64, Power x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power, IBM z Systems, IBM LinuxONE x86-64, Power
Debian 12 Bookworm x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
Debian 11 Bullseye x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
Debian 10 Buster x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64 x86-64
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Groupware and mail backup modules

Click for version
Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft SharePoint GroupWise IBM Domino Server Kopano
Zarafa Scalix JIRA Dovecot IMAP Cyrus IMAP Courier IMAP openLDAP

Microsoft Exchange Server

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Version MS Exchange 2007 MS Exchange 2010 MS Exchange 2013 CU3 MS Exchange 2013 MS Exchange 2016 MS Exchange 2019
Windows Server 2022 x64 (as of 5.1 Apollon)
Windows Server 2019 x64 (as of 4.4.3 Beefalo)
Windows Server 2016 x64 (as of 4.4.3 Tigon v.1)
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 with Exchange 2010 SP3 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 x64 with Exchange 2010 SP3 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 x64 x64
  • SEP sesam requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019.
  • .Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 requires Cumulative Update 3. For details, see the MS error description "Event 2112 or 2180 is logged".
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Microsoft SharePoint

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package to support SharePoint Server running on SQL Server.

The SEP sesam Client package must be installed on the SharePoint Server and on the SQL Server.

Version SharePoint 2007 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2016
Windows Server 2016 x64
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2008 x86, x64 x64
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All required components are included in the SEP sesam client package (since SLES12 based OES 2018).

Version GW 5.x GW 6.x GW 7.x GW 8.x GW 2012 GW 2014 /2014 R2 GW 18.x GW 23.4/24.4
SLES 15 SP5 x86_64 x86_64
SLES 12 SP5 x86_64 x86_64
OES CE 24.4 x86_64 x86_64
Linux-OES 2023 x86_64 x86_64
Linux-OES 2018 x86_64 x86_64
Linux-OES 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
Linux-OES 11 i386 x86_64 x86_64
Linux-OES 2 i386 i386 i386 i386 x86_64
Linux-OES 1 i386 i386 i386 i386
NetWare 6.5
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HCL Domino Server

All required components for HCL Domino Server (formerly IBM Domino/Lotus Domino) may already be included in the SEP sesam Client package. If not, you can download the extension from the SEP Download Center.

OS minimum Domino 8.5 Domino 9.0.1 Domino 10 Domino 11 Domino 12 also 12.0.2FP1 Domino 14
SLES 15 x64 x64 x64 x64
SLES 12 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
SLES 11 SP1 i386, x86_64 x64
RHEL 9 x64 x64 x64 x64 Note
RHEL 8 x64 x64 x64 x64
RHEL 7 x64 x64
RHEL 6 U3 i386, x86_64 x64
Windows Server 2022 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2019 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2016 x64 x64 x64 x64 x64
Windows Server 2012 [R2] x64
Windows Server 2008 [R2] x64 x64

The SEP sesam HCL library is not part of the RHEL 9 installation package. SEP AG will provide it on demand.

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All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Version Kopano 8.3 Kopano 8.4 Kopano 8.7.12
SLES 12 Note x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
RHEL 7 Note x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
RHEL 6 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 x86_64
Wheezy (Debian 7.x) i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 x86_64
Jessie (Debian 8.x) i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 x86_64
Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
Univention UCS 4.x i386 (only for updates), x86_64 i386 (only for updates), x86_64 x86_64

Note: The last available SEP sesam version for Kopano extension is Apollon V2.

Single mailbox backup for Kopano Community Edition is not supported due to Kopano license restrictions.
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All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package. Supported are Zarafa Standard, Professional and Enterprise Edition.

Version Zarafa 5.20 Zarafa 6.40 Zarafa 7
SLES 12 x86_64
SLES 11 i386 i386 i386,x86_64
SLES 10 i386 i386 i386,x86_64
SLES 9 i386 i386
RHEL 7 x86_64
RHEL 6 i386 i386 i386,x86_64
RHEL 5 i386 i386 i386,x86_64
RHEL 4 i386 i386
Etch i386 i386
Lenny i386 i386 i386,x86_64
Squeeze i386 i386 i386,x86_64
Wheezy i386,x86_64
Jessie x86_64
Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64
Ubuntu 12.04 i386 i386,x86_64
Ubuntu 10.04 i386 i386 i386,x86_64
Ubuntu 08.04 i386 i386
Univention UCS 3.0 i386, x86_64
Univention UCS 2.4 i386, x86_64
Univention UCS 2.2 i386 i386
Single mailbox backup for Zarafa Community Edition is not supported due to Zarafa license restrictions.
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SEP AG has discontinued support for Scalix with SEP sesam 4.4.3 Tigon V2.
Version Scalix 12
SLES 12 x86_64, Power
SLES 11 i386, x86_64, Power
RHEL 7 x86_64, Power
RHEL 6 i386, x86_64, Power
Debian i386, x86_64
Ubuntu i386, x86_64
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SEP AG has discontinued support for JIRA with SEP sesam v. 4.4.3 Beefalo.
Version JIRA Server SEP sesam Server JIRA Server 7.0.0 - 7.1.9 SEP sesam version ≥ 4.4.2 JIRA Server 6.4.1 - 6.4.14 SEP sesam version ≥ 4.4.2

Dovecot IMAP

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Cyrus IMAP

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Courier IMAP

All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.


All required components are included in the SEP sesam Client package.

Version openLDAP 2.3. openLDAP 2.4.
SLES 15 x86_64 x86_64
SLES 12 x86_64 x86_64
SLES 11 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
SLES 10 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
SLES 9 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
RHEL 9 x86_64 x86_64
RHEL 8 x86_64 x86_64
RHEL 7 x86_64 x86_64
RHEL 6 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
RHEL 5 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
RHEL 4 i386 i386
Debian i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
Ubuntu i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
Univention UCS 3.0 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
Univention UCS 2.4 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
Univention UCS 2.2 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64
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Unsupported OS

The following table lists the last available version of SEP sesam Server or RDS components for specified operating systems. You can continue using the last available version of SEP sesam on these operating systems, but SEP AG no longer provides updates or fixes for the specified versions.

For SEP sesam Client versions, backward compatibility is maintained and the last available versions for a platform are continuously supported. On older platforms you can use older versions of SEP sesam Client component, but it is recommended to combine such clients with the latest versions of SEP sesam Server and RDS components.

SEP sesam Release Versions

Operating system Last available version Release Notes
Windows Server 2012 Apollon 5.1.0 Apollon
RHEL 7 Apollon 5.1.0 Apollon
Debian 9 »Stretch« Jaglion V2 5.0.0 Jaglion V2
SLES 11 SP2, SP3, SP4 4.4.3.x Beefalo V2, see notes 4.4.3 Beefalo V2 SEP announced that it would no longer support SLES 11 SP2, SP3, SP4 with SEP sesam Beefalo, but has re-established support for Beefalo V2, where all SEP sesam Beefalo V2 packages (Server, Client, etc.) can be used. However, Beefalo V2 is the last available SEP sesam release for SLES 11 SP2, SP3, SP4 .
Windows Server 2008 R2 4.4.3.x Beefalo V2, see notes 4.4.3 Beefalo V2 SEP announced that it would no longer support SEP sesam Server on Windows Server 2008 R2 with SEP sesam Beefalo, but has re-established this support already in Beefalo. This actually means that the last available SEP sesam Server release for Windows Server 2008 R2 is Beefalo V2.
Ubuntu 16.04 Beefalo V2 4.4.3 Beefalo V2
RHEL 6 Grolar 4.4.3 Grolar
Debian 8 »Jessie« Grolar 4.4.3 Grolar
Debian 7 »Wheezy« Grolar 4.4.3 Grolar Version only available for sesam-cli on amd64
Windows Server 2008 Grolar 4.4.3 Grolar
Windows 7 Grolar 4.4.3 Grolar
Ubuntu 14.04 Tigon V2 4.4.3 Tigon V2
All 32-bit operating systems 4.2.2 For some operating systems SEP sesam client is still available in 32-bit.
SLES 10 4.2.2
RHEL 5 4.2.2
Debian 6 »Squeeze« 4.2.2 sesam-cli also available in version
Windows Server 2003 4.2.2
Debian 5 »Lenny« 4.2.1
SLES 11 ≤ SP1 4.2.1 Initial SLES 11 Release and Servicepack 1

See also

SEP sesam Storage Hardware Support MatrixJava Compatibility MatrixVDDK Compatibility Matrix VMware SF and IR Support MatrixEncryption Support MatrixSEP sesam Release Versions

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Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.