Archive:MSI Manual SEP sesam V4.0/4.2.1
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SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home. |
Windows Installer (MSI) Manual SEP sesam V4.0/4.2.1
Copyright © SEP AG 1999-2024. All rights reserved.
Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.
Before starting the SEP sesam installation please make sure that you are logged in as local administrator or domain administrator. In case of remote access via remote desktop connection (RDC) the RDC administrator needs equivalent access rights as the local administrator. In order to install one or several SEP sesam components (SEP sesam Server, Remote Device Server, Client, or GUI) an installation file is required which can be downloaded at Please make sure to download a suitable file for your processor type.
If you are planning to install a server (including a GUI) or a GUI, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or higher has to be installed. For a server installation .Net Framework 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0 is obligatory, for all other SEP sesam components you can deselect .Net Framework functionality during installation. An installation with or without user interaction can be executed using the suitable exe or msi file which can be extracted from the exe file. In the following we will explain the different installation packages, msiexec command line parameters, and SEP sesam specific parameters for installing, updating and uninstalling SEP sesam without user interaction.
Installation packages
SEP sesam is comprised of four different components all of which are included in the SEP sesam Server installation package. In addition to the server installation package two further installation packages, each containing only a single SEP sesam component, are available, resulting in three distinct installation packages:
- Server installation package: sesam-srv-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.exe
- Contains all 4 SEP sesam components. During installation you can choose one of the 4 SEP sesam components to be installed.
- GUI installation package: sesam-gui-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.exe
- Contains GUI subcomponents of SEP sesam with an optional Client.
- Client installation package: sesam-cli-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.exe
- Contains solely Client subcomponents of SEP sesam.
MSI file extraction
To extract the msi installation package from the exe file, please open a prompt by selecting Start -> Run , type cmd , and hit OK. Then execute the following command
sesam-<paket>-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.exe /v"EXTRACT=y"
C:\Temp\sesam-srv- /v"EXTRACT=y"
This command extracts the msi file to the folder C:\Temp. To extract the msi file to a specific folder replace y with the destination folder, like e.g.
C:\Temp\sesam-srv- /v"EXTRACT=C:\MSI"
In contrast to the previous command the msi file will now be extracted to the folder C:\MSI instead of C:\Temp.
SEP sesam program files extraction
Extract from EXE file
To extract the program files from the exe package, please open a prompt by selecting Start -> Run , type cmd , and hit OK. Then execute the following command
sesam-<paket>-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.exe /a /v"/qb TARGETDIR=targetPath"
C:\Temp\sesam-srv- /a /v"/qb TARGETDIR=C:\Temp"
This command extracts the single program files from the exe file to the folder C:\Temp.
Extract from MSI file
To extract the program files from the msi package, execute the following command
msiexec /a sesam-<paket>-<VersionsID>-windows.x<SysTyp>.msi /qb TARGETDIR=targetPath
msiexec /a C:\Temp\sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x64.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\Temp
This command extracts the single program files from the msi file to the folder C:\Temp.
MSI parameter
To obtain msiexec specific parameters please open a prompt and insert the following command:
A separate window pops up containing all relevant msiexec specific parameters. At this point you can also check your Windows Installer Version. If you have a Windows Installer with a Version smaller than 2.0 please install Windows Installer 2.0 or higher before continuing. The most important parameters needed in combination with SEP sesam are displayed below.
msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]
/Option :
/i <Produkt.msi> Installs or configures a product /x <Produkt.msi> Uninstalls the product
Optional Parameter :
msiexec specific parameters :
/quiet Quiet mode, no user interaction /q[n|b|r|f] Sets user interface level n - No UI b - Basic UI r - Reduced UI f - Full UI (default) /lvoicewarmup <LogFile> Creates a log file of the running process
SEP sesam specific parameters :
SETUP srv | rds | cli | gui Specifies the component to be installed (SEP sesam Server, Remote Device Server, Client, or GUI), default is SETUP=srv GUI yes | no Specifies if a GUI will be installed (available only for RDS installation) default is GUI=no CLIENT yes | no Specifies if a Client will be installed (available only for GUI installation) default is CLIENT=no SERVER Server name (obligatory for RDS, Client and GUI installation) LANG en | de | de_by Language for the GUI (available are English, German, and Bavarian), default is LANG=en BIN "Path" Installation folder for application files, default is BIN=''C:\Program Files\'' VAR "Path" Installation folder for application data, default is VAR=''C:\ProgramData\'' or, in case ''C:\ProgramData\'' does not exist, VAR=''C:\Program Files\''. SHORTCUTS yes | no Desktop and Startup menu shortcuts can optionally be created, default is SHORTCUTS=yes. DOTNET yes | no To use ''SEP sesam System Tray'', ''Set SEP sesam Client'', and ''Set GUI Access'' functionality, .Net Framework 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0 is required. If .Net Framework is not installed on your system you can optionally select ''no'', default is DOTNET=yes. In case of a SEP sesam server installation this option is always yes. SYSTEM_TRAY yes | no ''SEP sesam System Tray'' can be selected or deselected, depending on DOTNET (it only works if .Net Framework is installed), default is SYSTEM_TRAY=no. JAVA_HOME "Path" If Java has only been copied on the system without an actual installation, the Java path can be inserted in the silent installation mode as follows JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jre7\bin IGNORESIZE yes | no To ignore the default space requirements use IGNORESIZE=yes, default is IGNORESIZE=no IGNOREDOTNET yes | no If .Net Framework is not availabe for an RDS, Client, or GUI installation use IGNOREDOTNET=yes, default is IGNOREDOTNET=no (V4.2.1) UPDATE_MAIL yes | no Update sm_disaster, sm_notify, and/or sm_alarm if already present in bin\sesam directory, default is UPDATE_MAIL=no (V4.2.1) HELP y Displays help options for installation, update, change, and uninstallation. EXTRACT y | "Path" Extracts the msi file from the exe file to the current location of the exe file. If a Path is given the msi file will be extracted to the given Path instead.
Server installation package
In order to install a SEP sesam component please choose the winXX directory on the CD/DVD, or choose the download folder where you saved the SEP sesam installation package. Now extract the msi file from the exe file as described in chapter MSI file extraction. Open a prompt with administrative rights by selecting Start -> Run , type cmd , and press Shift + Ctrl + Return. Then change to the location of your extracted msi package.
Installation using Windows Installer (MSI)
An installation in quiet mode without user interaction can be executed using the following command line.
msiexec /i <msisesam>.msi /quiet
<msisesam>.msi denotes the name of the msi file. This command line installs SEP sesam using all default settings, i.e. an English SEP sesam Server with no SEP sesam System Tray will be installed. The location of the application files will be C:\Program Files\ and the location of the application data will be C:\ProgramData\ or C:\Program Files\, in case C:\ProgramData\ does not exist.
For an installation you can set the following parameters SETUP, GUI, CLIENT, SERVER, LANG, BIN, VAR, DOTNET, and SYSTEM_TRAY.
Please note that the parameter GUI can only be set in case of a Remote Device Server and the parameter CLIENT can only be set in case of a GUI installation. In case of a server installation a GUI and a Client will be installed automatically.
Furthermore, note that the parameter SERVER is obligatory for all components except for the SEP sesam Server installation. Make sure that the server name does not contain any underscores (_) and that it is reachable. In the following we will show several examples of how to install different components of SEP sesam. Note that each example has to be inserted into one line without any newlines.
Example 1: Server installation
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x64.msi /quiet SETUP=srv LANG=de BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="D:\" SYSTEM_TRAY=yes
Example 2: RDS installation In this example we will install an RDS without a GUI, the corresponding server name is gruntboy, the location for the application files will be C:\ProgramFiles\, the location for the application data will be D:\, and the user disclaims .Net Framework functionality, i.e. he disclaims the functions SEP sesam System Tray, Set SEP sesam client, and Set GUI Access.
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet SETUP=rds GUI=no SERVER=gruntboy BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="D:\" DOTNET=no
In this example we will install an RDS including GUI, the server name is workslikenix, the location for the application files will be C:\ProgramFiles\, the location of the application data will be X:\, and SEP sesam System Tray will be installed.
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x64.msi /quiet SETUP=rds GUI=yes SERVER=workslikenix LANG=de BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="X:\" SYSTEM_TRAY=yes
Example 3: GUI installation In this example we will install a GUI without a Client, the corresponding server name is laborslikenix, the location for the application files will be C:\ProgramFiles\, and the location for the application data will be I:\.
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet SETUP=gui CLIENT=no SERVER=laborslikenix LANG=de BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="I:\"
In this example we will install a GUI including a Client, the server name is plugsawayatnix, the location for the application files will be C:\ProgramFiles\, and the location for the application data will be I:\.
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet SETUP=gui CLIENT=yes SERVER=plugsawayatnix LANG=de BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="I:\"
Example 4: Client installation In this example we will install a client, the corresponding server name is slavesawaylikenix, the location for the application files will be C:\ProgramFiles\ and the location for the application data will be D:\.
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x64.msi /quiet SETUP=cli SERVER="slavesawaylikenix" BIN="C:\Program Files\" VAR="D:\"
Update using Windows Installer (MSI)
Major Update
Major Update: One of the first three positions of the version number has changed, e.g. 4.0.4.x to 4.2.1.x
An update in quiet mode without user interaction can be executed using the following command
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet
Before starting the update make sure you have a successful SESAM_BACKUP of your SEP sesam Server.
The parameters REINSTALLMODE and REINSTALL must not be given in case of a major update, otherwise your SEP sesam will be uninstalled and all configurations will be lost.
Minor Update
Minor Update: Only the forth position of the version number has changed, e.g. to
An update in quiet mode without user interaction can be executed using the following command
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL
Note that all parameters have to be given in order for the minor update to work correctly. Before starting the update make sure you have a successful SESAM_BACKUP of your SEP sesam Server.
Changing some configurations using Windows Installer (MSI)
If you have SEP sesam already installed on your system you can subsequently change some configurations, e.g. you can add or remove a GUI to an existing RDS installation or a Client to an existing GUI installation. Furthermore .Net Framework functionality and SEP sesam System Tray can be added or removed if desired.
Major Version Change
Major Version Change: One of the first three positions of the version number has changed, e.g. 4.0.4.x to 4.2.1.x
To change the configuration in silent mode you can use one or several of the following parameters (GUI, CLIENT, DOTNET, and SYSTEM_TRAY):
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet GUI=yes|no CLIENT=no|yes DOTNET=yes|no SYSTEM_TRAY=yes|no
Example 1: Existing RDS installation without GUI and without SEP sesam System Tray
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet GUI=yes SYSTEM_TRAY=yes
Example 2: Existing GUI installation without Client and without .Net Framework
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet CLIENT=yes DOTNET=yes
Before starting the configuration change make sure you have a successful SESAM_BACKUP of your SEP sesam Server.
The parameters REINSTALLMODE and REINSTALL must not be given in case of a major version change, otherwise your SEP sesam will be deinstalled and all configurations will be lost.
Minor Version Change
Minor Update: Only the forth position of the version number has changed, e.g. to
To change the configuration in silent mode you can use one or several of the following parameters (GUI, CLIENT, DOTNET, and SYSTEM_TRAY):
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL GUI=yes|no DOTNET=yes|no SYSTEM_TRAY=yes|no
Example 1: Existing RDS installation without GUI and without SEP sesam System Tray
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL GUI=yes SYSTEM_TRAY=yes
Example 2: Existing GUI installation without Client and without .Net Framework
msiexec /i sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL CLIENT=yes DOTNET=yes
Note that the parameters REINSTALLMODE and REINSTALL have to be given in order for the configuration change to work correctly. Before starting the configuration change make sure you have a successful SESAM_BACKUP of your SEP sesam Server.
Uninstall using Windows Installer (MSI)
To uninstall in quiet mode without user interaction please use the following command line. Note that this command will completely remove SEP sesam from your system.
msiexec /x sesam-srv-4.2.1-windows.x86.msi /quiet REINSTALLMODE=vomus REMOVE=ALL
All parameters have to be given in the correct order for the removal to work correctly.
GUI installation package
In order to install a SEP sesam GUI with an optional Client using Windows Installer (MSI) please choose the winXX directory on the CD/DVD, or choose the download folder where you saved the SEP sesam GUI installation package. Now extract the msi file from the exe file as described in chapter MSI file extraction. Open a prompt with administrative rights by selecting Start -> Run , type cmd , and press Shift + Ctrl + Return. Then change to the location of your extracted msi package. For further information concerning the installation using Windows Installer please go to chapter Server installation package and follow the instructions for a GUI installation.
Client installation package
In order to install a SEP sesam Client using Windows Installer (MSI) please choose the winXX directory on the CD/DVD, or choose the download folder where you saved the SEP sesam Client installation package. Now extract the msi file from the exe file as described in chapter MSI file extraction. Open a prompt with administrative rights by selecting Start -> Run , type cmd , and press Shift + Ctrl + Return. Then change to the location of your extracted msi package. For further information concerning the installation using Windows Installer please go to chapter Server installation package and follow the instructions for a client installation without GUI, since a Client installation package does not contain a GUI.
Installation respectively update
- Message: An error occurred during the installation of assembly component... HRESULT: 0x80070bc9.
Problem: MSI locks the database to install new software after Windows updates were installed.
Solution: Reboot host to unlock the database.