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SEP sesam Newday is a predefined SEP sesam daily event that starts a new backup day in the backup event calendar. The Newday event is primarily designed to reorder the SEP sesam database and ensure the smooth running of SEP sesam processes without interruptions.

Key features

Newday event can be utilized for advanced purposes to accommodate specific requirements and optimize the functionality of SEP sesam. A custom Newday event can also be used as a blocking mechanism suspend activities on specific days.

SEP sesam backup day

A backup day is a designated time period defined for backup routines, offering flexibility in scheduling backups based on operational needs rather than strict calendar dates. The backup day does not necessarily need to correspond with actual calendar dates and can span across multiple days if necessary, accommodating scenarios such as weekend backups.

For example, if a backup day is configured to start at 08:00, it will span from 8:00 AM of the current day to 8:00 AM of the following day. Data that is modified during the course of a day but backed up after midnight is considered as part of the backup for that specific backup day, which, at the time of backup, corresponds to the previous calendar day.

When viewing jobs in the SEP sesam UI, the displayed date always corresponds to the sesam backup day. Using the previous example, the date 13 November would represent the backup day starting from Monday, 13.11 at 8am and ending on Tuesday, 14.11 at 7.59am. It is important to note that by default, the backup day does not align with the calendar day.

The backup day is defined by the time set in the NEWDAY event, which can be adjusted to meet individual requirements and preferences. This allows for fine-tuning the execution time of the NEWDAY event to best suit the backup routines.

Functions of the NEWDAY event

In addition to setting the event calendar to a new backup day, the Newday event in SEP sesam performs several important functions:

  • Deletes files and database entries for savesets that no longer exist.
  • Finalizes the status and daily log files of SEP sesam.
  • Reorganizes the SEP sesam database.
  • Advances the event calendar (SEPuler) by one day.
  • Restarts the SMS- and STPD-processes.
  • Initiates garbage collection on Si3 and Si3 NG deduplication stores.
  • Removes log files and database entries for savesets that are no longer present on the SEP sesam Server and RDS.
To ensure the seamless operation of the SEP sesam backup environment, it is essential not to deactivate SEP Newday. Disabling Newday functionality prevents SEP sesam from reordering its database, leading to the accumulation of old log files. This can result in excessive utilization of system disk drive storage, potentially causing issues within the system.

Advanced uses of Newday event

In addition to the basic functions of the Newday event, Newday events can perform advanced functions. The Newday event can be configured to cancel all running SEP sesam activities. Additionally, further Newday events can be created to block all other lower-priority activities for the entire backup day.

Managing flow of activities

Newday event manages the activities that are still running at the time. Activities, for example an ongoing backup process that started before the Newday event, can continue running uninterrupted through the Newday event or Newday event can stop all activities that are still running at the time.

Option Continue all running activities enables activities, such as critical backups or time-sensitive operations, to continue running uninterrupted through the Newday event. Enabling this option allows backups or other processes to run through the Newday event without being canceled. For example, if there is an ongoing backup process that started before the Newday event, this option ensures that the backup operation continues to run through the Newday event. This option is selected by default.

If you want Newday to stop all activities that are still running at the time, you can use the option Cancel all running activities. This behavior ensures a clean transition to the new backup day, preventing any potential conflicts or inconsistencies. Additionally, it serves to terminate activities that may have been running for an extended period or have become unresponsive. This helps maintain the overall stability and performance of the SEP sesam backup environment by preventing activities that might be stuck or running excessively long from consuming system resources or causing delays in subsequent backup processes.

To stop all activities that are still running at the time of Newday event, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Main selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules and double-click the Newday event to open the Newday event properties window.
  2. In the Parameter tab, select the option Cancel all running events and click OK.
  3. Screenshots


Blocking events

Newday event can be used as a blocking event to prevent activation of other events on specific days, such as holidays or other selected periods. Blocking events can be particularly useful when you want to temporarily suspend certain activities to accommodate specific circumstances, such as system maintenance or special events.

By using the Newday event as a blocking event, you can ensure that certain events are prevented from being activated on specified days or selected periods. You can influence all tasks within the SEP sesam environment or specify which types of events should be blocked during the designated period.

Create a new custom newday event to use as a blocking event. The default SEP sesam NEWDAY event cannot be used for this purpose.

To configure a Newday event as a blocking event, follow these steps:

  1. From Main selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules, select a schedule that does not have any events assigned or create a new schedule. Right-click the schedule and click New Newday Event.
  2. Set the priority for this event. Note that the priority of this blocking event must be higher than the priorities of the events you want to block. The lowest priority is 1 and the highest priority is 99. For more information see Event priority.
  3. Enable option Blocking date.
  4. Select the types of events you want to block. You can select only certain event types or all events.
  5. Click OK to add the blocking newday event to the schedule.
  6. Screenshots


Running interface scripts in the background

The sm_alarm and sm_notify interface scripts, used for the SEP sesam email notification feature, may contain long-running actions that consume a significant amount of processing time. These actions have the potential to obstruct or block the execution of the sm_newday event, and can potentially impact other critical SEP sesam operations, including backups.

To allow these scripts to run in the background and prevent them from obstructing SEP sesam actions, you can use an option called submit_notify.

To ensure that the sm_alarm and/or sm_notify interfaces do not block the Newday event, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Main selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules, then find and double-click the Newday event to open the Newday event properties window.
  2. In the Parameter tab, enter submit_notify in the Options field and click OK.
  3. Screenshots


See also

Managing Events - Managing Schedules

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