5 1 0:NetApp CIFS Backup
This article describes configuration of SEP sesam and NetApp environment to back up the files (by NFS) and also Windows ACL information by CIFS share.
For such backups you can create one complete backup task or split the backup into two separate backup tasks:
- Backup of the actual file data (for example, via NFS). For details, see NetApp NFS Backup.
- Backup of the ACL information only (via CIFS share).
For details, see section Backing up ACL information on Windows and data on Linux.
- SEP sesam Client v. ≥ 4.4.3 on Windows system.
- The NetApp system has to be part of a Windows domain and must be able to resolve the domain user names into domain SIDs.
Configuring the environment
In order to back up ACL information, a special user must exist on your Windows domain with special permissions to override all other rights. Under this user, the SEP sesam Client on the Windows system which acts as a backup must be started. You have to add a user to the Backup Operators Group to grant them permission to back up and restore files in your Windows and NetApp environment.
Setting up a domain user
You have to add the domain user (for example, DOMAIN\backupuser) to the following groups in your Windows environment:
Backup Operators Administrators
Setting up a NetApp user
You have to add the domain user to the local NetApp system groups. Log in to your NetApp system by using SSH and execute the following commands:
netapp> useradmin domainuser add DOMAIN\backupuser -g "Administrators" netapp> useradmin domainuser add DOMAIN\backupuser -g "Power Users" netapp> useradmin domainuser add DOMAIN\backupuser -g "Backup Operators"
Setting up a NetApp volume
The DOMAIN\backupuser user must have full access rights in the CIFS share options. If the actual file backup is done on the Linux system, the volume must be also accessible by NFS. In this case, you have to change access in the NetApp Filer administrator front-end:
CIFS -> Shares -> Manage -> Change Access
Setting up a SEP sesam Client
Start a SEP sesam Client on Windows with the user DOMAIN\backupuser:
- Open the services configuration and select SEP sesam Server service.
- Change the user to DOMAIN\backupuser.
- Restart the service.
Configuring NetApp CIFS backup
There are multiple options to back up the NetApp data, either by UNC path or by mapped network drive on Windows. On Linux, you can back up the data via NFS share, as described in NetApp NFS Backup.
Backing up data on Windows
If you are backing up by the UNC, specify the backup source as folows:
For details, see FAQ: How do I set up UNC path backup from a CIFS share?
Backing up ACL information on Windows and data on Linux
It is also possible to back up the real data by the NFS share mounted on the backup system, and use the Windows backup client to back up only the ACL information. For details on how to back up the actual file data on Linux, see NetApp NFS Backup. Note that the Linux backup task is configured as a regular file backup.
To back up only the Windows ACL information, add the following option when creating a backup task (or in the backup task properties) -> Options tab -> Backup options (previously Save options) field:
-o skip_data
For details on how to create a backup task in the SEP sesam GUI, see Creating a Backup Task.
Monitoring backup
You can view the status of your backup jobs in the SEP sesam GUI -> Main Selection -> Last Backup State. The backup status overview provides detailed information on the last run of backup jobs, including the task name, start and stop time of the last backup, backup level, data size, throughput, assigned media pool, etc.
As of 4.4.3 Beefalo V2, you can check the details of your backups online by using new Web UI. For details, see SEP sesam Web UI.