5 1 0:Installing VDDK

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SEP sesam requires the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) to be installed on SEP sesam data mover (SDM-VV). A data mover role for VMware vSphere can be combined either with a SEP sesam Server, SEP sesam Remote Device Server or SEP sesam Client.

On Windows, VDDK is installed automatically during the SEP sesam installation. However, if you use a new vSphere version you should check the VDDK Compatibility Matrix to find its corresponding VDDK version and install it manually, if required. On Linux, you have to install the required VDDK version manually. Note that every new release of vSphere has a corresponding VDDK version; typically, the version number of VDDK matches the version number of vSphere. For details on the required version, see the VDDK Compatibility Matrix.

Installing VDDK on Linux

With v. 5.0.0 Jaglion, SEP sesam requires VDDK 7.0.2. For details on the required version, see the VDDK Compatibility Matrix. To install the VDDK on Linux, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to VMware download center and search for the required vddk version.
  3. Then download the required VDDK for Linux by choosing the binary tar.gz for 64-bit Linux. A VMware account is required in order to download the software.
  5. If a previous VDDK installation exists, run the following:
  6.  rm -r /usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib/
  7. Unpack the archive with tar and create a subdirectory vmware-vix-disklib-distrib.
  8.  tar xvzf VMware-vix-disklib-<release>.tar.gz

    For example:

     tar xvfz VMware-vix-disklib-6.5.4-13861102.x86_64.tar.gz
  9. Copy the contents of the unpacked directory vmware-vix-disklib-distrib to /usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib:
  10.  cp -r vmware-vix-disklib-distrib/ /usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib

    The content of the copied directory should look like this:

     ls /usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib
       FILES  bin64  doc  include  lib32  lib64 

Installing VDDK on Windows

VDDK is installed automatically during the SEP sesam installation, but you may have to install another version (for details, see VMware support matrix). For example, VDDK 6.0.x in combination with vSphere 6.5 does not provide SAN transport support when using data stores formatted with new VMFS 6.0 filesystem. In such case, you have to install the corresponding VDDK version manually.

For details on the required version, see the VDDK Compatibility Matrix.

  1. Download the required .zip file for Windows from the VMware download center and download it to skel directory on the VMware data mover.
  2. Use the PowerShell script set_vddk.ps1 (as shown below ) to automatically execute the .bat file, update the required libraries and set the registry key correctly.
  3.   Note
    By default, the Powershell execution policy is set to Restricted. To execute the PowerShell scripts, set the execution policy to RemoteSigned by using the set-executionpolicy remotesigned command. Note that you must be logged in as administrator or start the script with administrative privileges. For more information on PowerShell script execution policy, see Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.

    Open the <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam/ directory and execute set_vddk.ps1 -e update.

  4. Some versions, for example, VDDK 6.5.x on Windows, might require rebooting the host after the update. This is required when attempting to mount a VMDK save set, stored on a data store, to the local system.
  5. After a reboot, run the following script from the command line:
    vstor2install.bat in directory C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\bin.

See also

What is a SEP sesam Data MoverVMware Requirements & RestrictionsVDDK Compatibility MatrixVMware BackupVMware Single File RestoreVMware troubleshooting

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