5 1 0:Configuring Location

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Under the Topology, a Location parameter is used for logical grouping of SEP sesam clients. Each client is always created within (and assigned to) a location, which can be defined as a group of clients and further specified as sub-locations. You can use locations to group your clients according to their OS, data type, different geographical location, etc.

Such grouping enables large organizations at different locations to be managed and represented as a group with separate, centrally-managed units (using a tree-like structure). Locations can be hierarchically organized – multiple sub-locations can be summarized under one location.

SEP sesam allows you to configure permissons (ACLs) for a location (group of clients) or a specific client. For details, see Using Access Control Lists.

The sm_update_client command has been extended. Now you can check in the SEP sesam GUI if an update for your clients is available. You can update all clients within the location at once by right-clicking the location and selecting Update all clients option. You can also select to update only the clients running on Windows or Linux. For details, see Updating client(s).


  1. In the Main selection -> Components -> Clients, go to the content pane and click New Location. Note that the location LOCAL is always created by default.
  2. In the New Location window, enter the name of your new location. You can group your clients according to their OS, data type, different geographical location, etc. The name of a location can be freely assigned as it is used for grouping and orientation purposes.
    By using the in field, you can create sub-locations within the existing location. Optionally, enter the description and other contact information.
  4. Select the OS Access tab and enter your administrator privileges. Use the DOMAIN\USER format for domain accounts or HOST\USER for local accounts. The specified credentials (user name and password) will be used for all clients within the location – if no credentials are set specifically for the client – to enable the automated updates.
    Note that it is possible to create a location and clients without credentials, but then the automatic updates won't work.
  6. Click OK. Your new location is displayed in the Topology content pane.

See also

Configuring ClientsUsing Access Control ListsTopologyStandard Backup Procedure

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