5 1 0:Configuring Email Accounts

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Welcome to the latest SEP sesam documentation version 5.1.0 Apollon. For previous documentation version(s), check documentation archive.


SEP sesam offers email functionality, allowing users to send and receive emails directly from the application. Mails can be sent using an integrated email utility or the local mail client.

The integrated email utility enables users to configure email accounts in SEP sesam, which enable connections to specified mail servers and sending emails via the SMTP protocol.

This emailing functionality provides two different functions:

  • Manual emailing: Users can send emails directly from the application, sending selected logs or reports where this option is available. Users can use a local email client or the integrated SEP sesam email utility.
  • Automated email notifications: Server-side interfaces (Notify, Alarm, and Disaster) send automated email notifications. These notifications are triggered by predefined events, extending system monitoring and management capabilities.

Manual emailing

SEP sesam allows users to send emails directly from the application, selecting specific logs or reports to send. To use the integrated email utility, users must create an email account in SEP sesam. This account is then used to connect to the mail server and send emails via SMTP. Each account specifies the email address of the sender and the list of recipients, which can be customized for individual emails.

In case you use the local email client to send emails, files cannot be attached automatically. Instead, logs are downloaded to the local temp folder and you can attach the files to the mail manually.

Automatic email notifications

The server-side interfaces (Notify, Alarm and Disaster) send automated notifications by email. These notifications are generated and sent by the interface based on predefined triggers and events, enhancing system monitoring and alerting capabilities.

Automatic email notifications use the integrated email utility and require an email account configured with SMTP settings. SEP sesam interfaces are set to use the email account named "sesam" (all lowercase).

Configure an email account

To configure an email account in SEP sesam GUI, perform the following procedure:

  1. In the menu bar click Configuration -> Email Settings. This opens the Email Settings window.
  2. Select the option Use SEP sesam mail program. This displays the list of configured mail accounts.
  3. Click New and define the settings as required. For detailed explanations of the available options, refer to section Email account options.
  4. Optionally, you can send a test email to verify the account is set up correctly.
  5. Click OK to save the account.

You can configure as many email accounts as required, each can serve a separate purpose and have different lists of recipients. When you send an email from the application, you can select the account you need. The recipients are added automatically, but you can also modify the default list.

Email account options

Account Name of the email account. This field is mandatory and required to identify the account. Note that for automated email notifications, you must select the name 'sesam'.
Customer Name of the customer associated with the email account.
Sender Email address of the sender.
SMTP server Name or IP address of the outgoing mail server.
SMTP user User name for SMTP server. If no SMTP user name is specified, it is assumed that no authorization is required at the SMTP server.
Password Password for the mail server. Mandatory if SMTP server requires authentication.
SMTP port Optionally, specify the SMTP port to connect to on the mail server. Default is port 25.
Recipient Email address of the primary recipient. You can specify multiple recipients by separating each email address with a comma or semicolon.
CC Email address for recipients who receive a copy of the email.
BCC Email address for recipients who receive a hidden copy of the email.
SSL Optionally, you can select a secure communication protocol (SSL or TLS) for secure communication with the mail server.


See also

SEP sesam Interfaces - About Monitoring - About Reporting - Notification Center

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