4 4 3 Tigon:VMware Single File Restore and Instant Recovery Support Matrix

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This is not the latest version of SEP sesam documentation and, as such, does not provide information on features introduced in the latest release. For more information on SEP sesam releases, see SEP sesam Release Versions. For the latest documentation, check VMware Single File Restore and Instant Recovery Support Matrix for the new version.

SEP AG has discontinued support for SEP sesam version 4.4.3 Tigon (V1 and V2). Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version.

SEP sesam allows you to perform different types of restore and recovery from almost any type of VMware backup, including VM single file and instant recovery. Enabling or disabling the Backup as image option affects the size of your backed up data and defines whether changed block tracking (CBT) is used or not.

For example, when performing a FULL backup with SEP sesam 4.4.3 Tigon and the GUI option Backup as image is selected, CBT is not used. This results in increased size of the backed up data (see below matrix).

The following chart shows different combinations of used options and how they affect the CBT usage, the disk size usage and the support for single file (SF) restore and VMware instant recovery (IR).

Single file restore (SF) & and instant recovery (IR) support matrix for v. ≥ 4.4.3 Tigon Note

Backup level GUI option Backup as image
YesY (enabled) or
NoN (disabled)
CBT usage Total disk size of VM (GB) Occupied disk size (GB) Backed up disk size (GB) Support for SF & IR
FULL NoN CBT is not used for FULL backup.
A raw backup of VMDK is performed. However, CBT is used for subsequent INCR & DIFF in the same backup chain.
100 60 100 YesY (also with INCR/DIFF)
FULL YesY CBT is fully utilized. 100 60 60 YesY (also with INCR/DIFF)
COPY NoN CBT is not used. 100 60 100 YesY
COPY NoN CBT is not used. 100 60 100 NoN
For versions ≤ 4.4.2, SF & IR is only supported with VM single file and instant recovery option enabled. For details, check the relevant version in the VMware archive.

See also

Changed Block Tracking (CBT)VMware BackupVMware RestoreSEP sesam Release Versions - VMware SF and IR Support Matrix v. 4.4.3