4 4 3 Grolar:OwnCloud Single File Restore

From SEPsesam

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SEP sesam enables you to restore single files from your ownCloud backup. Note that only ownCloud without server-side encryption is supported.

Restore tasks can be saved, scheduled and run automatically in continuous intervals to check and control data integrity. For details, see Scheduling Restore.

Configuring ownCloud restore

A restore task involves browsing and selecting the desired savesets by time and task/filename, selecting the restore type and restore target, enabling the post interface for the client running ownCloud, and specifying a special command for the post script.


  • Depending on what you want to restore, make sure that you have the proper restore permissions and access rights.
  • Make sure there is enough free space on the target system to which you are restoring your data.
  • Prepare a special routine to scan the recovered files after a restore via the sbc_pre interface.

Enabling a post interface

To use a pre/post interface, you have to enable it first and create a special post command, as explained below.

  1. In the GUI menu bar, click Configuration -> Interfaces, select the Post Interface, and then select the Restore interface and your ownCloud client.

  2. In the interface script window, add the following command
  3.  sudo -u "userThatOwnsOwnCloudDir" php "pathToOwnCloudDir"/occ files:scan -all

    under the line:

     #=== Please insert your specific actions here==================

    where "userThatOwnsOwnCloudDir" must be replaced by the user who owns the ownCloud directory
    and "pathToOwnCloudDir" must be replaced by the location of the ownCloud directory.

    For example, on a Debian with Apache2 and ownCloud located in /var/www/, you should enter the following command:

     #=== Please insert your specific actions here==================
     sudo -u www-data php /var/www/owncloud/occ files:scan -all

  4. Click Save to activate the interface. The interface is saved to the <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam directory. For details, see Using Pre and Post Scripts.

Restoring single files

For general instructions on how to configure a restore task, see the Standard Restore Procedure. The following procedure shows only ownCloud-specific steps when configuring a restore task.

  1. From the SEP sesam GUI menu bar, select Activities -> Restore -> select the saveset for restore. In the third step of the wizard: Select Task, from the list of the savesets click the desired backup version from which you want to restore restore, and then click Next.

  2. In the Select Files dialog, select the data you want to restore and click Next.

  3. In the Target Settings (previously Save and start) window, click Expert Options and then select the tab Pre/Post. Select the check box Execute post to enable running the post script for this task. Click OK and Next. Then click Save.
  4. Note
    The Expert Options button for specifying advanced restore options is available only in advanced UI mode (formerly expert GUI mode). To use Expert Options, make sure your UI mode is set to advanced. For details, see Selecting UI mode.

Monitoring restore

You can monitor the restore progress using the Web UI (Monitoring -> Restores) or view the status in the GUI (Main Selection -> Job State -> Restores). The restore overview provides detailed information on the last run of restore jobs, including task name, status (successful, error, in queue...), start and stop time of the last backup, data size, throughput, etc. For details, see SEP sesam Web UI or Restores by State in the GUI.

See also

Standard Restore ProcedureownCloud Backup

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