5 1 0:SAP HANA Configuration
SEP sesam offers efficient data protection for your SAP HANA environments. It integrates with the SAP HANA Backint backup interface to back up and restore SAP HANA databases. SEP sesam uses the HDBBackint agent to manage data and log backups and provide instructions through the Backint parameter file, which contains all necessary parameters and settings for the backup process.
When a backup is initiated, SEP sesam uses the HDBBackint agent to interact with the SAP HANA Backint interface and directly access and back up SAP HANA database and log files according to the specified parameters. SAP HANA database backups can be started using SAP HANA Studio, command line, or with a bash script that SEP sesam offers for SAP HANA V2. This script automates the backup process and also enables housekeeping of the SAP HANA backup catalog, ensuring efficient management of backups. For restores, SEP sesam retrieves the required backups and restores them to the SAP HANA database, ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime.
Key features
- SEP sesam HDBBackint integration is certified and supported by SAP.
- Integration with SAP HANA Studio provides a familiar user experience.
- SAP HANA extension integrates into the existing backup infrastructure, enhancing overall system efficiency.
- It supports high automation capabilities, reducing the need for manual interventions.
- Ensures the integrity and accuracy of your backups with consistency checks at the block level.
- Only the allocated data size needs to be backed up, and additional features like deduplication eliminate redundant data, optimizing storage use and reducing backup times.
- Backups are instantly available for recovery, minimizing downtime.
To successfully integrate SEP sesam with SAP HANA Backint, the following prerequisites must be met:
- Ensure that both SEP sesam and SAP HANA are running compatible versions. Check the support matrix for the list of supported SAP HANA versions.
- SEP sesam must have network access to the SAP HANA database.
- SEP sesam Client for Linux must be installed on the SAP HANA server. It is recommended to use the latest available SEP sesam Client.
- Properly configured SAP HANA database with Backint enabled.
- Appropriate user permissions must be set up to allow SEP sesam to perform backup and restore operations.
- Regular file backups must work (the sample /etc backup must be successful). For details on backup configuration, see Standard Backup Procedure.
Configuration procedure
The configuration of SEP sesam with SAP HANA Backint involves several steps.
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Note |
The installation procedure depends on the SAP HANA version you are using and differs between SAP HANA V2 and V1. This article covers the installation and configuration for SAP HANA V2 (SEP sesam version 4.4.3 Beefalo V2 and later). For instructions on configuring SAP HANA V1, refer to SAP HANA V1 Configuration. |
- Add and configure SAP HANA database server as SEP sesam Client.
- Add the SAP HANA database server as a SEP sesam Client and create an SAP HANA backup task to enable transporting database and log backups to the SEP sesam Server or RDS.
- Set up and configure the method for backing up the SAP HANA database.
- Recommended option: Create a backup event and use the SESAM_TASKEVENT Backint parameter in the .utl file. This approach allows you to manage and maintain backup settings and related actions in SEP sesam, without modifying the SAP HANA server.
- By configuring backup with a backup event in SEP sesam, you can manage and adjust the backup configuration directly in SEP sesam. After the initial setup of the SAP HANA server, this approach enables you to manage and maintain backup settings and related actions in SEP sesam, and eliminates the need for any further changes to the backup process on the SAP HANA server. However, this method cannot be used with storage systems that offer source-side deduplication.
- Alternative option: Configure the backup manually on the SAP HANA server using available SEP sesam parameters in the .utl file. Changes to the backup process must be made on the SAP HANA database server.
- The alternative method involves preparing the backup environment in SEP sesam and then manually configuring the backup process directly on the SAP HANA server using the SEP sesam backup parameters in the .utl file. This approach requires administrative access to the SAP HANA server and manual intervention and configuration on the SAP HANA server, increasing the potential for errors. However, this method supports using storage systems with source-side deduplication. For instructions, see Configuring SAP HANA Backups with Variable Backint Parameters.
- Install and configure the SAP HANA extension on the SAP HANA database server.
- To install and configure the SEP sesam extension for SAP HANA, SEP provides a binary/script that automates the procedure of setting up and activating the SAP HANA Backint for database backup.
- Verify and test the integration.
- Make sure that the integration between SEP sesam and SAP HANA is functioning as expected and perform tests to validate backups and restores.
Configuring SAP HANA as SEP sesam Client
The procedure for configuring the SAP HANA database server as a SEP sesam Client involves adding the SAP HANA server as a SEP sesam Client and setting up two backup tasks. The first task, with the task type SAP HANA and <SID> as the source, enables the SEP sesam Server to accept backups from the SAP HANA system and serves to transport the database and log backups to the SEP sesam Server or RDS. The second task is intended for backing up SAP HANA configuration files and associated data.
- To add a client, in GUI go to Main selection -> Components -> Clients, select a location, and then click New client. Define the settings and options as required. Make sure that the selected access mode is SM SSH. For more detailed instructions, see Configuring Clients.
- Create backup tasks with task type Path to back up SAP HANA config files and all other required files. It is recommended to create separate backup tasks for global and for local config files. As Source specify all files except the database files.
The files are located in the following directories:- Global config files: /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config
- Example: /usr/sap/SEP/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config
- Local config files (on each host): /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/<SAP_hostname>
- Example: /usr/sap/SEP/HDB00/saphanix1
- Select or create a schedule to specify when you want to back up your data, and then create a new backup event for each backup task. Select FULL as a backup level to perform a full backup. For more details, see Creating a Backup Event.
- Optionally, create dedicated media pools for storing the backups.
Configure backup in SEP sesam (recommended option)
To manage SAP HANA database backups externally with SEP sesam, SEP sesam provides the backup environment. On the SAP HANA database server, a Backint .utl parameter file must be created, which will contain instructions for the database backup process. For backup, the SEP sesam HDBBackint module interacts with SAP HANA through Backint. The .utl file includes parameters that SAP HANA requires to perform backup with SEP sesam, such as references to the SEP sesam server, the SSB logfile, and other specific settings necessary for the integration.
To configure the backup of SAP HANA in SEP sesam, the .utl file is set up with only the static SEP sesam parameters (SESAM_SERVER, SESAM_TASKEVENT, SESAM_HANA_SOURCE, SSB_LOGFILE and SESAM_PARALLEL_STREAMS). These parameters can remain fixed and define the core connection details between SAP HANA and SEP sesam. Variable parameters, such as the target media pool or migration task, are managed with backup event configuration directly in SEP sesam GUI. This approach allows you to adjust backup settings without needing access to the HANA host. For the list of all available SEP sesam Backint parameters, see SEP sesam Backint parameters.
- Create a SAP HANA backup task and set the general settings and parameters for the backup. In the Task type drop-down list select SAP HANA and set the Task name. The Source field is not used for backup and you can use it to write any descriptive name for the backup source. For detailed instructions on configuring the backup task, see Creating a Backup Task.
Note that the SAP HANA backup task cannot be used for regular file backups. It is required only for enabling the SEP sesam Server to accept backups from the SAP HANA server. Once all configuration steps are performed, this task is used to transport the database and log backups to the SEP sesam Server or RDS. - Select or create media pools for database and log backups. For detailed instructions on configuring a media pool, see Configuring a Media Pool.
- Optionally, configure a migration task for your SAP Hana database backup. For detailed instructions on configuring the migration task, see Creating a Migration Task.
- Optionally, configure a follow-up task for your SAP HANA database backup. For more information on configuring the follow-up task, see Follow-up Events.
- Configure the backup event for the SAP HANA backup task. You can set a migration task, follow-up event, and failover backup event. This enables you to manage and maintain the backup settings and related subsequent actions in one location, without making any changes on the SAP HANA host. Note that the name of the backup event is visible in the GUI in backup event properties window, not in the SEP sesam DB. For detailed instructions, see Creating a Backup Event.
- Continue the procedure by installing the SAP HANA extension.
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Note |
The configured backup event for a SAP HANA backup task must be unscheduled (option Without Schedule). This might require additional configuration, see Events without schedule. |
Install and configure the SAP HANA extension on the SAP HANA database server
To install and configure the SEP sesam extension for SAP HANA, SEP provides a binary/script /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_install_saphana2 that performs the following actions:
- generates .utl files in
- inserts the SEP sesam Backint parameters with the correct syntax in the .utl files
- sets the appropriate filesystem rights
- activates the usage of Backint for database/archive log backup
- activates backup of the backup catalog introduced in SAP HANA V2
- adds the correct path and filename for the .utl file into the HANA database configuration file (specifically, the global.ini file).
You can also perform all these actions manually, if required.
- Prerequisites
Before you begin the installation, prepare the following information:
- SAP HANA database name: <database_name>
- SAP HANA instance number: <instance>
- SAP user key (<user_key>) or alternatively SAP HANA credentials (<username> and <password>) for backup user
- Hostname (required for hdbsql connection)
- SAP HANA server hostname: <SAP_hostname> (default is OS hostname; required for creating TRACE path: /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/<SAP_hostname>/trace)
- SEP sesam Server hostname: <sesam_server_hostname>
- Backup event name: <backup_event_name>
Note that:
- The backup user needs appropriate rights to configure your SAP HANA database, e.g. the SYSTEM user of the SYSTEMDB.
- The syntax of SEP sesam Server hostname and SEP sesam RDS determines the type of connection between the SAP HANA Client and the SEP sesam Server or SEP sesam RDS including a control connection and/or data transfer. You have to use the same syntax as you find in the SEP sesam GUI -> Client properties (of your SEP sesam Server/RDS) -> Interface field (e.g., bck-srv.sep.de, http://bck-srv.sep.de:11000, https://bck-srv.sep.de:11443).
- Running the sm_install_saphana2 script
You can run the sm_install_saphana2 script by using either SAP HANA user store key or user/password combination. For more information see also Use the user store (hdbuserstore) for logging on to a database.
To install the SEP sesam extension, run the following command as Linux root user on the SAP HANA host:
sm_install_saphana2 -s <SID> -i <instance> {-U <user_key> | -u <username> -p <password>} -D <database_name> -E <backup_event_name> -C <sesam_server_hostname>
For example:
sm_install_saphana2 -s SEP -i 90 -U BackupUser -D SYSTEMDB -E HANA_SystemDB -C sesamServer.sep.de
sm_install_saphana2 -s SEP -i 90 -u SYSTEM -p secret! -D PRD -E HANA_ProductionDB -C https://sesamServer.sep.de:11443
The options, specified with the sm_install_saphana2 command, are converted into SEP sesam Backint parameters and inserted in the .utl configuration file. In addition, the required parameter SSB_LOGFILE is also set automatically. For more information on SEP sesam Backint parameters, see SEP sesam Backint parameters.
For more help on the sm_install_saphana2 command, see the integrated online help by using the relevant command:
- For use with backup configuration using a backup event in SEP sesam (backup configuration of SEP sesam parameters in the SEP sesam database using task without schedule)
/opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_install_saphana2 -H
- For use with backup configuration of SEP sesam parameters on the HANA host
/opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_install_saphana2 -h
Verify and test the integration
To check if your installation/configuration has been successful, proceed as follows:
- Search the folder
for files with the extension .utl, check the content and verify the SEP sesam parameters. Note that all values in these files are case sensitive. For example, the folder should contain the following .utl files:/var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_SEP_PRD_catalog.utl
- Start SAP HANA Studio, double-click an instance to open it and select the tab Configuration.
- Go to global.ini -> backup and expand the backup section, or write "backup" in the Filter field. Then verify that the following values are set:
- catalog_backup_using_backint should be set to true.
- log_backup_using_backint should be set to true.
- catalog_backup_parameter_file should have the correct values for System and for all already configured Database(s), for example, /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_SEP_PRD_catalog.utl
- data_backup_parameter_file should have the correct values for System and for all already configured Database(s), for example, /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_SEP_PRD_data.utl
- log_backup_parameter_file should have the correct values for System and for all already configured Database(s), for example, /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_SEP_PRD_log.utl
The SAP HANA backup catalog registers all backups and contains all backup history details. It enables SAP HANA to check and validate whether recovery is possible, which backups are required for recovery and which backups are no longer needed. Note that the backup catalog does not record the progress of a backup; this is done by the backup.log.
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Warning |
Backup catalog is mandatory to be able to restore the SAP HANA instance to a different system! Make sure that you configure backup for SAP HANA catalog as shown above. |
SEP sesam Backint parameters
The SAP HANA Backint parameter file contains all relevant information for backing up SAP HANA with SEP sesam. It contains parameters, which are used by the SEP sesam HDBBackint module. The file(s) are generated in /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/
You can use different parameter files for different purposes (e.g., to store backups in different media pools). The parameter file used is declared by the -P PARAMETERFILE option for HDBBackint. A template parameter file /opt/sesam/skel/templates/backint_saphana.utl
is available. You can copy the file to /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_saphana.utl
, rename it and modify it for your environment. Note that all specified parameters are case sensitive.
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Note |
If you have used the sm_install_saphana2 setup utility for installing the extension, the parameter file has already been generated and registered, and the SEP sesam parameters have been inserted with the values that were specified with the installation command. |
The following SEP sesam Backint parameters are available for configuring the backup process.
- SESAM_SERVER=<sesam_server_hostname>
- Hostname of the SEP sesam Server.
- SESAM_TASKEVENT=<backup_event_name>
- This parameter references the name of the (unscheduled) backup event intended for SAP HANA to use when performing backup, allowing users to set a migration task and follow-up event for the backup. Note that he configured backup event for a SAP HANA backup task must me unscheduled (option Without Schedule), which might require additional configuration, see Events Without Schedule.
- When configuring the backup event for a SAP HANA backup task, you can set the migration task, follow-up event, and failover backup event, in addition to the general settings and parameters for the backup. This enables you to manage and maintain the backup settings and related subsequent actions in one location, without making any changes on the SAP HANA host. When backup is started, the SEP sesam Client on the SAP HANA host connects to the SEP sesam Server and retrieves all specified settings from the backup event configuration. When backup is finished, the configured migration task and events will be started. For more information on configuring backup events, see Creating a Backup Event.
- SESAM_PARALLEL_STREAMS=<integer value>
- Count of parallel streams that SEP sesam uses for SAP HANA database backup.
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Note |
The SAP HANA database engine may split a database backup in more then one stream or not. To use the parallel backup streams on SAP HANA side you must configure this option in the SAP HANA database configuration (global.ini -> backup section).
The parameter SESAM_PARALLEL_STREAMS sets only the maximum parallel backup streams on the SEP sesam side (default is 2 streams). |
- SSB_LOGFILE=<log_file_name>
- Full path of the SEP sesam HDBBackint log file. As of SEP sesam Client ≥ Beefalo V2 the SSB_LOGFILE path is set to SAP HANA trace folder. The log file name contains more useful information and a new file is generated daily. It is recommended that you set the path and dynamic value for the log file name in the parameter as follows:
- SSB_LOGFILE=/usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/<SAP_hostname>/trace/hdbbackint_<database>_$u-%Y-%m-%d.log
If backup is configured with variable Backint parameters instead of the parameter SESAM_TASKEVENT, the following parameters are mandatory:
- SESAM_JOB=<backup_task_name>
- Name of the backup task that was created for the SAP Client.
- SESAM_POOL=<media_pool_for_DB_backup>
- Exact name of the SEP sesam media pool that you want to use for backup.
- SESAM_TAPESERVER=<sesam_RDS_hostname>
- Hostname of the RDS that you want to send the backup to (mandatory only if your backup target storage is connected to an RDS).
The following SEP sesam Backint parameters are optional:
- SESAM_DRIVE=<drive_number>
- Number of the SEP sesam drive that you want the backup to be written to. The drive number must match the media pool (drive group of the media pool) that you defined with SESAM_POOL.
- To enable source-side deduplication for external backups, use the following setting:
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Note |
SAP has enabled backup encryption as the default setting during new installations with HANA V2 SP7. Backup encryption can significantly reduce the deduplication ratio. You can disable backup encryption in the SAP HANA configuration ((global.ini -> backup_encryption), however, note that this is a security feature. Disabling backup encryption will improve the deduplication ratio, but may reduce the security of your backups. |
- SESAM_MIGRATION_TASK=<migration_task_name>
- This optional parameter references the name of the preconfigured migration task that will be started when SAP HANA backup completes successfully. If SESAM_TASKEVENT is used, the migration task can be specified in the backup event configuration.
- SESAM_FOLLOW_EVENT=<follow-up_event>
- This optional parameter references the name of the preconfigured follow-up that will be started when SAP HANA backup completes successfully. For more information refer to Follow-up Events. If SESAM_TASKEVENT is used, the follow-up event can be specified in the backup event configuration.
Additionally, the following parameter is available, but is not yet in use:
- SESAM_HANA_SOURCE=/<SID>/<instance>/<database_name>
- Reserved for future use, e.g, with backup and housekeeping scripts.
Manual installation procedure
Note that these instructions work with the default SAP HANA directories. You may have to adjust every path in the commands to the path that you have used in a customized installation.
- Create the directories needed for the HDBBackint binary and utility file:
- Copy the parameter file template from the skel/templates to the SEP sesam ini directory.
- Rename the backint_saphana.utl if you need more than one .utl file (recommended).
- Adapt the parameter of the *.utl to suit your SEP sesam environment, see the section SEP sesam Backint parameters.
- Create a symbolic link from
to the directory where SAP HANA expects the Backint executable.
Note that usually root permissions are required. The configuration has to be adjusted accordingly. The file must be executable for the SAP HANA user. - Create another symbolic link from
(your .utl file) to the directory where SAP HANA expects the parameter file: - Then start SAP HANA Studio, double-click one instance to open it and insert the correct values for the configured database, as described in section Checking installation/configuration result.
root@hanasrv:~# mkdir -p /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig
root@hanasrv:~# cp /opt/sesam/skel/templates/backint_saphana.utl /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/
root@hanasrv:~# ln -s /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/hdbbackint /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint
root@hanasrv:~# ln -s /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/backint_saphana.utl /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/
Repeat this procedure on every node of a scale-out system and for every database on the same system, if required.
External reference
See also
SAP HANA Installation Checklist – SAP HANA Backup – SAP HANA Logbackup and Savepoints – SAP HANA Restore — Creating a System Copy of an SAP HANA Database