5 0 0:SEP sesam Quick Install Guide

From SEPsesam

This is documentation for SEP sesam version 5.0.0 Jaglion.
This is not the latest version of SEP sesam documentation and, as such, does not provide information on features introduced in the latest release. For more information on SEP sesam releases, see SEP sesam Release Versions. For the latest documentation, check SEP sesam documentation.


The complete SEP sesam environment consists of different modules, which can be combined as needed to implement an optimized backup. The nodules interact with each other via SEP API,s which are also used for interaction with other software.

Essential modules

The essential modules of any SEP sesam environment are: SEP sesam Server, SEP sesam GUI, SEP sesam Remote Device Server (RDS), and SEP sesam Client(s). Each module is installed separately. The SEP sesam environment is managed centrally by the SEP sesam GUI.

Additional modules

SEP sesam also provides additional modules and functionality that enable consistent backup of databases (Oracle, MS SQL, IBM DB2, Informix SAP R/3, etc.), applications (such as SAP), groupware systems, and virtualization environments. Some of these extensions are already part of a Client package, others require a separate license to work. For details on licenses, see Licensing.

General requirements

Use the following checklist before installing SEP sesam to ensure a successful installation.

  • Check the latest Release Notes and look for important installation information.
  • Ensure that the target computer is running a supported version of Windows or Linux with the latest updates. Check the SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix for details. For a list of all supported extensions and their configuration, see Extensions.
  • The SEP sesam GUI requires a screen resolution of at least 1920x1080 (full HD). In order to adjust SEP sesam for HiDPI displays, make sure that you use the relevant Java version. To adjust your SEP sesam for high-resolution display, refer to HiDPI Display Support.
  • SEP sesam uses name resolution for communication between server and client. You should test the DNS name resolution by simply sending a ping (with long and short name) from the server to the client and back. For details on DNS resolution check, see How to check DNS configuration.
  • Make sure that all SCSI devices used are recognised by the operating system on which you install SEP sesam. SEP sesam checks the storage devices connected to the SCSI bus during installation and adds their data to the database. SEP sesam can only see devices that are recognised by the operating system.
  • Deactivate or remove the antivirus software before installing SEP sesam components on each computer. Failure to disable active antivirus software may result in a failed, corrupt or incomplete installation. If antivirus software is installed, it is strongly recommended to turn off any on-demand scanning while a backup is running. For more details, see Antivirus Exclusions for SEP sesam.
  • It is recommended to disable the firewall to avoid problems during the SEP sesam installation. Once SEP sesam is installed, you can enable the firewall with exceptions for the SEP sesam services.
  • For details on the SEP sesam default ports, see List of Ports Used by SEP sesam.
  • Check the Windows or Linux specific requirements.
Once you have determined how you want to set up your SEP sesam environment, you can install the necessary components. Note that the installation procedure depends on the platform on which you are installing a SEP sesam package and that Java is required on all systems that serve as SEP sesam Server, SEP sesam GUI Client or SEP sesam Remote Device Server (RDS) when Si3 deduplication is used. For details, see Installing and Managing Java.

After you have installed and configured your SEP sesam components according to your environment, SEP sesam provides free updates from previous versions of SEP sesam to new versions and new features within the maintenance period. During this period you can download patches and bug fixes as well as the latest SEP sesam versions, provided you have a valid license. For details, see Updating SEP sesam.

Microsoft Windows installation


  • Before you start with SEP sesam installation, check the general requirements above.
  • Make sure you are logged in as the local administrator or domain administrator.
  • For remote access via remote desktop connection (RDC), the RDC administrator needs the same access rights as the local administrator.
  • To install any of the SEP sesam components (SEP sesam Server, RDS, Client or GUI), you need an installation file, which you can download from SEP Download Center. Make sure you download the correct file for your processor type.
    • The .Net Framework 4 is required for the SEP sesam Server installation and can be deselected for all other SEP sesam components during installation.
  • A SEP sesam Server (including the GUI) and the GUI installation require a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the system, see Installing and Managing Java and check Java versions.
SEP sesam RDS does not have its own installation package. To install RDS, use the SEP sesam Server package.


SEP sesam provides four installation packages: SEP sesam Client, SEP sesam GUI, SEP sesam RDS and SEP sesam Server (contains the Client and GUI components). You also have the option to install the Server Disaster Recovery feature. In the following installation example, we use the SEP sesam Server installation package without the Server Disaster Recovery feature.

  1. Locate the download folder where you saved the SEP sesam installation package and double-click the sesam-srv-<Version_ID>-windows.x<SysType>.exe file to start the installation. Select your installation language and click Next.
  2. You can select to install the Server Disaster Recovery feature. In this case the installation procedure is slightly different than described. Click Next.
  3. Accept the license agreement terms and click Next again.
  4. Choose whether you want the SEP sesam services to run under the Standard system account or a Custom user account. It is recommended to give the SEP sesam Server services a Domain user account belonging to the Domain admins and Local administrators groups. After you have selected a user account, click Next.
  5. Select an installation directory for the program files (including the folders <SESAM_ROOT>\bin and <SESAM_ROOT>\skel) and the application data (including the folder <SESAM_ROOT>\var. This folder requires considerable storage space if you are installing a server). Click Next.

  6. In the next window, select which of the four SEP sesam components you want to install (SEP sesam Server, SEP sesam Remote Device, SEP sesam GUI or SEP sesam Client). After selecting the component to be installed, a pop-up window may appear asking whether available service packs should be installed automatically after successful installation. You can also select additional features, such as SEP sesam BSR Pro or PostgreSQL.
    • SEP sesam recommends using PostgreSQL for complex enterprise environments with many tasks, high performance expectations (due to PostgreSQL's ability to support multiple concurrent writers and read/write at fast speeds), and security and authentication requirements.
    • Upgrading from SQLite to PostgreSQL is currently not supported, except with the help of SEP support.

    The SEP sesam Server package already includes all other components. If you install a Remote Device Server (RDS), you can also include a GUI. If you install a GUI, you can also include the Client.
    After you have selected a component, click Next.
  7. Choose if you want to download and install SEP sesam Service Packs (if available) after the installatation is completed.
  8. Depending on which components you install, proceed accordingly:
    • If you are installing the SEP sesam Server, click Install and then Finish to complete the installation.
    • If you are installing the Server Disaster Recovery feature, select the external database file that will be used for Disaster Recovery.
    • If you are installing the SEP sesam RDS, the SEP sesam GUI or the SEP sesam Client, enter the name of the SEP sesam Server (in the example below, the name of the server is Informatix).
    You must enter the hostname and not the IP address of the SEP sesam Server. The server name may not contain underscores.

  9. Click Next. The firewall information dialog is for informational purposes only. Take note of the information and click OK. Click Install to install the selected SEP sesam component and then click Finish to complete the installation.

If you have problems or questions about the installation, also see FAQ: Installation and configuration.


SEP sesam provides RPM packages for the most common Linux distributions (for example, SuSE and RedHat) and DEB files for Debian Linux distributions. The latter run on most Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu. For details on SUSE- and RedHat-based distributions, see RPM Repository. For more information on Debian packages, see Debian Repository.


SEP sesam Server installation

SLES-based distributions

SLES includes the standard tool zypper, which is common for package management. With this tool packages can be installed (and uninstalled) via the command line. Before you install any of the SEP sesam components (e.g., Server, Client or GUI), make sure you have properly configured the RPM repository for SLES-based distributions. For details, see RPM Repository.

The SEP sesam Server package includes all dependencies needed for the standard SEP sesam Server installation. For details on the supported SLES versions, see SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.

On SLES 15 (SP1 through SP4) it may be required to activate the following package modules prior to SEP sesam installation to meet all required dependencies for the SEP sesam Client packages:


These modules are part of the installation DVD; in case no online subscription is available, they can be added via:

zypper ar dvd:/Module-Server-Applications DVD-Server 
zypper ar dvd:/Module-Basesystem DVD-BASE
zypper ar dvd:/Module-Legacy DVD-Legacy 

On SLES12 it is recommended to install the required Java packages before installing SEP sesam Server to avoid possible installation errors. Use the following command sequence:

zypper install java-11-openjdk

To install or update the SEP sesam Server, use the following command:

# zypper install sesam_srv<version.OS.system_type>
To perform a simple update without adjusting the dependencies of the installed SEP sesam version, e.g., on SLES11, you can use the command rpm -Uvh (only recommended for advanced administrators!). Alternatively, update the server with the above zypper command.

RHEL/CentOS-based distributions

All RHEL- and CentOS-based distributions include the standard yum tool, which is common for package management. This tool can be used to install (and uninstall) packages from the command line. Before you install any of the SEP sesam components (e.g., Server, Client or GUI), make sure you have properly configured the RPM repository for RHEL-based distributions. For details, see RPM Repository.

The SEP sesam Server package includes all dependencies needed for the standard SEP sesam Server installation. For details on the supported RHEL/CentOS-based versions, see SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.

To install the SEP sesam Server, use the following command:

# yum install sesam_srv<version.OS.system_type>
On RHEL, the SEP sesam installation changes the permissions of /var/run/postgresql to grant PostgreSQL access rights to SEP sesam users.

Debian-based distributions

The Debian-based distribution (Debian/Ubuntu/UCS) includes the standard tool apt-get which is common for package management. With this tool packages can be installed (and uninstalled) via the command line. Before you install any of the SEP sesam components (e.g., Server, Client or GUI), make sure that you have properly configured the Debian repository. For details, see Debian Repository.

The SEP sesam Server package includes all dependencies needed for the standard SEP sesam Server installation. For details on the supported Debian-based versions, see SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.

To install the SEP sesam Server, use the following command:

root@hostname#: apt-get install sesam-srv

Use the following command to install *.deb files:

dpkg -i sesam-srv<version.system_type>.deb
Installing SEP sesam on Debian and Ubuntu requires additional steps. For details, see Debian Repository.

SEP sesam Client installation

As the SEP sesam GUI already contains the client components, the SEP sesam Client package cannot be installed in addition to the GUI.

To install the SEP sesam Client, select the download folder where you have saved the SEP sesam Client installation package.

  • For SLES-based distributions, use the following command:
# zypper install sesam_cli<version.OS.system_type>
  • For RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), use the following command:
# yum install sesam_cli<version.OS.system_type>
  • For Debian-based distributions, use the following command:
root@hostname#: apt-get install sesam-cli

Use the following command to install *.deb files:

dpkg -i sesam-cli<version.system_type>.deb
Installing SEP sesam on Debian and Ubuntu requires additional steps. For details, see Debian Repository.

Run the following command on the SEP sesam Client to grant access rights to the SEP sesam Server and allow it to contact and back up the client:

/opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_setup set_client <SEP sesam Server Name>

If you have problems or questions about the installation, see FAQ: Installation and configuration.

SEP sesam GUI installation

The SEP sesam GUI package is intended for managing the SEP sesam Server from another computer.
Note: As the GUI component is already included in the SEP sesam Server package, it cannot be installed additionally on the SEP sesam Server.

To install the SEP sesam GUI, select the download folder where you have saved the SEP sesam GUI installation package.

  • For SLES-based distributions, use the following command:
# zypper install sesam_gui<version.OS.system_type>
  • For RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), use the following command:
# yum install sesam_gui<version.OS.system_type>
  • For Debian-based distributions, use the following command:
root@hostname#: apt-get install sesam-gui

Use the following command to install *.deb files:

dpkg -i sesam-gui<version.system_type>.deb
Installing SEP sesam on Debian and Ubuntu requires additional steps. For details, see Debian Repository.

On KDE and Gnome, the installation creates a link on the root user's desktop to start the GUI. This link must point to the correct SEP sesam Server. Open the link properties and add the following parameter to the command line:

-S <SEP sesam Server Name>

If you have problems or questions about the installation, see FAQ: Installation and configuration.

To start the SEP sesam GUI, use the following command:

/opt/sesam/bin/gui/sesam_gui -S <hostname_backup_server>


For information on supported AIX versions and AIX-related available components, see SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.


  • Before you start with SEP sesam installation, check the general requirements above.
  • Make sure you are logged in as the root user.
  • The installation of the SEP sesam component for AIX (either the SEP sesam Client or the Remote Tape Server can be installed, depending on availability) requires special RPM packages to be installed using the standard RPM package manager (part of the AIX standard installation). You can download the SEP sesam RPM packages from SEP Download Center and the required prerequisites from: IBM Support (openSSL and readline) and copy them to the AIX system to /tmp/rpm-packages/. Then install the package via RPM:
cd /tmp/rpm-packages/
rpm -i *
For AIX version 7.02, the following folder must be created for sm_ssh to work:

mkdir -p /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.1.0.0/4.8.3/

  • The SEP sesam GUI requires Java Runtime Environment to be installed on the system. For details on the required Java version, see the Java Compatibility Matrix.

SEP sesam Remote Tape Server or Client installation

  1. Download the relevant SEP sesam package from SEP Download Center and copy it to the /tmp directory on your AIX system. The following example shows the installation of the sesam_rts package. The procedure for installing the SEP sesam Client is slightly different; the name of the package is substituted with sesam_cli.
  2. Unzip the archive by using the following commands:
     gunzip sesam-rts-<version>-aix_powerpc.tgz
     tar -xvf sesam-rts-<version>-aix_powerpc.tar

    A new directory sesam_rts_<version> is created:

     # tar -xvf sesam-rts- 
     x sesam_rts_4.4.2.58
     x sesam_rts_4.4.2.58/aix_rts., 22440192 bytes, 43829 media blocks.
     x sesam_rts_4.4.2.58/sm_setup, 2168068 bytes, 4235 media blocks.
  3. Change to the unzipped directory
    cd sesam_rts_<version>
  4. Execute the setup executable sm_setup as root user:
     # cd sesam_rts_<version>
     # ./sm_setup
  5. Follow the wizard and select the relevant components you want to install, tapeserver or client, respectively:
     # ./sm_setup
     Found 1 valid archive(s): 'aix_rts.,'.
     What do you want to install? (tapeserver,client)
  6. Set the installation directory; the recommended location for installing sesam is /opt/sesam. Make sure that there is at least 10 GB of free disk space available. Optionally, choose another installation directory that has enough free space:
     In which directory do you want to install (If not existing it will be created): 
     In which directory do you want to install (Read-Write): 
  7. Specify the SEP sesam Server hostname in your environment; you must provide the DNS hostname of your backup server. The DNS Server must be correctly resolved on the AIX system. For details, see How to check DNS configuration.
     To which SEP sesam Server should be connected?

Once you specify all the required information, the SEP sesam software installation and configuration start. If you have problems starting the SEP sesam services, check the Troubleshooting Guide.

Mac OS X


  • Make sure you are logged in as a local administrator or domain administrator.
  • If you want to install a GUI, the Java Runtime Environment must be installed on the system. For details on the required Java version, see the Java Compatibility Matrix.


SEP sesam does not provide a dedicated MAC OS package. You should download the latest SEP sesam Linux GUI package from SEP Download Center, copy it to your MAC system and extract it with the command:

 ar x <sesam-gui_4.4.3-xx.lenny_i386.deb> && tar xfz data.tar.gz

Copy the extracted directory to your program files directory; then use the <SESAM_BIN>/gui directory:

/opt/sesam/bin/gui/sesam_gui -S <hostname_backup_server>

Or, if your backup server is a Linux system, you can connect via the command line (X must be enabled) and start the GUI:

/opt/sesam/bin/gui/sesam_gui -S <hostname_backup_server>  

The SEP sesam for Mac OS X supports standard file backups with ACLs. Disaster recovery is not supported!

If you have problems or questions about the installation, see FAQ: Installation and configuration.

Univention UCS

For the list of supported Univention UCS versions and available SEP sesam components for UCS, check SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.


Installing SEP sesam on UCS

You can install SEP sesam on UCS by using any of the following options:

Option 1: Installing via the Univention App Center (only the SEP sesam Server and Client)

  1. Open the Univention Management Console in your browser.
  2. Go to Software -> App Center.
  3. Search for SEP sesam.
  4. Install either SEP sesam Server or SEP sesam Client.

Option 2: Installing via the SEP Debian Repository

  1. Open a terminal session as root user.
  2. Enable Univention unmaintained repositories with the following command (this enables the UCS system to install the dependencies for SEP sesam):
    ucr set repository/online/unmaintained=yes
  3. Add the SEP Debian Repository as described in Debian Repository:
    • UCS 4.2 is based on Debian 8 Jessie.
    • UCS 4.3 is based on Debian 9 Stretch.
  4. Update the repositories by using:
    apt update
  5. Install the SEP sesam package via apt: For example, to install the SEP sesam Server package, use
    apt install sesam-srv

    Other options are listed here: Debian Repository.

Option 3: Installing manually

  1. Open a terminal session as root user.
  2. Enable Univention unmaintained repositories with the following command (this enables the UCS system to install the dependencies for SEP sesam):
    ucr set repository/online/unmaintained=yes
  3. Download the desired installation package from the SEP Download Center.
    • UCS 4.2 is based on Debian 8 Jessie.
    • UCS 4.3 is based on Debian 9 Stretch.
  4. Update the repositories by using:
    apt update
  5. Install the SEP sesam package via apt:
    apt install /path/to/downloadedpackage

Configuring UCS firewall

By default, the Univention firewall is included in all UCS installations, with all incoming ports blocked. You have to enable access to certain ports for SEP sesam to work.

Installing a SEP sesam App Center package automatically opens the required ports for SEP sesam, except for Si3 Replication and REST API.

Disable UCS firewall

You may consider disabling the UCS firewall completely by setting the Univention Configuration Registry variable security/packetfilter/disabled to true:

ucr set security/packetfilter/disabled=yes
service univention-firewall restart

Use SEP sesam with enabled UCS firewall

Check the list of required ports for SEP sesam: List of Ports Used by SEP sesam.

To open a port or a range of ports, use the following commands:

ucr set security/packetfilter/tcp/portnumber_or_portrange/all=ACCEPT
service univention-firewall restart

Client firewall settings

If you want to back up a client behind a firewall using STPD, you have to specify an open port range in the client's STPD Options as follows:

  • Open SEP sesam client Properties and switch to the Options tab. If you have installed a client from the App Center, the port range is 11002-11007.

For more information on client configuration, see Configuring Clients.


After you have installed and configured your SEP sesam components according to your environment, SEP sesam provides free updates from previous to new versions and features of SEP sesam within the maintenance period. During this period, you can download bug fixes, patches, service packs, and the latest SEP sesam version(s) if you have a valid license.

SEP generally recommends upgrading the SEP sesam Server and Client components to the latest version as part of the regular upgrade process. For the complete list of releases, see SEP sesam release versions.

You always have to update the SEP sesam Server first before updating the client software. For more information about SEP sesam software updates, see Updating SEP sesam.
  • Installing either Windows or Linux-specific distributions is pretty straightforward. For Linux systems, SEP provides special service pack executables that ease the installation of service packs and patches; see Applying Service Packs on Linux.
  • The update of SEP sesam extensions, e.g., BSR Pro for Windows, can be done automatically during the SEP sesam update process.
  • SEP may ask you to install a specific update (i.e. fix, patch or service pack) to address a specific issue. To get instantly notified about SEP sesam vulnerabilities and updates, click to subscribe to the SEP sesam RSS feed.

Updating methods and settings

There are a number of options available for updating SEP sesam software.

Install/Update options in GUI
You can set up your server to automatically check, download and install updates or decide to do it manually, you can update all clients within the location at once or select to update only OS-specific clients (Windows/Linux update), you can exclude a particular client from being updated, etc. For details, see Updating SEP sesam.
CLI command sm_update_client
You can perform all of the mentioned options above by using sm_update_client. The sm_update_client command implements all the features of the sm_update_client, as well as the previously used sm_remote_installer and sm_config_client commands that have been deprecated. For details, see Updating SEP sesam Using CLI.

SEP sesam release cycle

The approximate release frequency of SEP sesam software is once a year for a major release, followed by a minor release that includes all previous fixes and also introduces new features and functionality.

SEP sesam provides executable service packs that ease the installation of service packs and patches. Service packs are cumulative and contain all released bug fixes for the corresponding SEP sesam version. Download and installation of service packs are pretty straightforward on Windows and Linux. For Linux, SEP provides special executable service packs that ease the installation of service packs and patches, see Applying Service Packs on Linux.

See also

Installing and Managing JavaRemote Installation of Windows ClientsApplying Service Packs on LinuxRPM RepositoryDebian RepositorySEP sesam CLISEP sesam BSR ProRelease Notes

Copyright © SEP AG 1999-2025. All rights reserved.
Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.