4 4 3 Beefalo:Schedules

From SEPsesam
User Manual

Schedules overview

SEP sesam establishes schedules as a frame, to which you link different events, such as backup, migration, replication, etc. Schedules always contain one predefined task: a NEWDAY schedule. Linked to it is a NEWDAY event which is used by SEP sesam to reorder its database, enable undisturbed activity of the SEP sesam processes as well as to define a new backup day.

Do not deactivate a NEWDAY event or delete a NEWDAY schedule, because this will cause SEP sesam to stop working properly! For details, see NEWDAY Event.

A schedule defines the recurrence of an event and may be executed in minutes, hours, days, months or years. It can be set up to start periodically or to be executed just once. It can be used for any number of events, and a particular task (backup, restore, migration, etc.) can have events in several schedules. All schedules and related jobs are configured and run in the time zone of the SEP sesam Server.

This window shows an overview of the configured schedules and related events. By using toolbar buttons you can configure the chronology of all processes in SEP sesam. You can create a new schedule or edit an existing one. Then you create a new event for the specific schedule and define its job. The job is run at specified time and, if defined as recurring, executed at specified time interval.

You can also use Without Schedule option, which is available, if you set the value for enable_gui_events_without_schedule in the Defaults window (Configuration -> Defaults -> Settings tab) to 1 manually.

It shows all backup events which are not assigned to a schedule due to the following possible reasons:

  • Events were deliberately created without a schedule for external backups, such as SAP HANA, where the external applications manage the backup scheduling.
  • Events were first linked to a schedule and then disconnected from it by opening the event and selecting the option Without Schedule, as shown in the screenshot below.

You should only delete events without a schedule if you are sure that they will not be used for an external backup.

You can create a new schedule from Main Selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules -> New Schedule. For details, see Creating a Schedule.

After you have created a schedule, you can link a specific event to it (backup, restore, migration, etc.). In the Main Selection -> Scheduling -> Schedules, right-click on the schedule, and select the event which you want to create, e.g., new backup event.

Schedule properties

Clicking Properties or double-clicking the schedule displays all details of the selected schedule. You can also edit the existing schedule settings.

  • Execution off: Execution is enabled by default. Use this option to disable the schedule. If you select it all events that are linked to this schedule will be deactivated. The schedule will still be displayed as shaded in the list of schedules, but the related jobs will not run.
  • Name: The name of the schedule.
  • Start: The start date and time for the schedule. By default, the current date is already entered in the first (date) field. In the next (hour) field, specify the start time <hh:mm> for a job to begin. The schedule will be activated on the specified date and time.
  • Expiration date: Set the validity of the schedule. If the schedule should only be valid for a limited period of time, e.g., until the end of the year, select the check box and enter the date of its suspension. Clicking the arrow displays a calendar. The schedule will be deleted after the Expiration date criterium is met.
    By default, this option is disabled and the schedule will be repeated in perpetuity.
  • Selection of time intervals: Configure the time intervals for scheduled jobs. Jobs can occur once, or recur daily, monthly, yearly, or as defined (custom calendar).
    • Once: no repetition, single run
    • Daily: repetition in days, hours or minutes
    • Weekly: repetition in weeks or weekdays
    • Monthly: repetition on absolute or relative dates: 1st/2nd... or Mon/Tue...
    • Yearly: repetition on absolute or relative dates
    • User Defined: Option for setting up a custom calendar. For details, see Creating Custom calendar.
  • Advanced settings: Allows you to further refine your schedule.
    • Start time frame: Select the check box if you want to specify maximum allowed actual startup time for your event (the amount of time an event can be in the queue). Specify the startup time in days and/or hours. The actual start time depends on the processor load of the system. At the starting time of the event, every event is forwarded to the queue, where it may have to wait until jobs with higher priorities are completed. For jobs with the same priority, the FIFO rule (first in first out) applies. If this option is set and the event cannot be executed within the specified time frame, it will not be executed at all.
    • Repeat task: Select the check box if you want to repeat the event. Choose how often (in hours or minutes) the task should be repeated.
    • For a duration of: Available if the Repeat task check box is selected. You can specify for how long should the event be repeated in days and/or hours.
    • Stop task if it runs longer than: Select the check box if you want to set the amount of time (days and/or hours) following the event's scheduled start time after which the event will be cancelled.

As of. v. 5.0.0 Jaglion, new Permissions tab enables you to set the required permissions (ACLs) for the schedule. For details, see Using Access Control Lists.

New backup event

Backup event represents the last step in the process of configuring a backup job. First a backup task is created by selecting the task type and source. Next is a backup schedule, to which a backup event is linked. For details, see Creating a Backup Event.

The button New Backup Event opens the following window:

  • Name: You can change the displayed backup event name.

Sequence Control

  • Priority: The priority of your backup event. Default priority level is 1, which is the lowest priority (the highest is 99). The only exceptions are schedules with priority 0, which override all other priorities and are always executed. See Setting event priorities.
  • Blocking date: A blocking event is any type of event with a higher priority that obstructs another event. A blocking event only affects other events with the same name when schedules are overlapping. For details, see Blocking Events.


  • Task: Select the task to which you want to link this event.
  • Task group: Select the task group (instead of task) to which you want to link this event.


  • Backup level: Select between the backup levels FULL, DIFF, INC, COPY.
  • Hot/Cold backup: You can set execution parameter, e.g., for database backups.
  • Media Pool: Select the target media pool to which the data will be backed up. If you want to enable source-side deduplication, you have to select the media pool which is combined with an Si3 deduplication store backend.
  • SEP Si3 Source Side Deduplication: Source-side deduplication (Si3S) requires a special license and a configured Si3 deduplication store. If the specified target media pool is combined with an Si3 deduplication store backend, the option SEP Si3 Source Side Deduplication is shown and can be enabled.
  • Drive group: (non-editable parameter) The drive group which is specified in the media pool. This field changes depending on the media pool selection.
  • Drive (opt.): Optionally, specify the drive number of the drive that will be used to write the data.
  • Interface (opt.): Selection of an alternate (configured) name of the TCP/IP-name of the client. This can be used to direct the data flow over a particular network connection in order to enable smooth execution of backups or restores without blocking another network activities.
  • Follow up: You can configure events that are triggered on the SEP sesam Server once the initial event has completed. For details, see Follow-up Events.
  • Migration task: You can select a follow-up migration task from the drop-down list.

New restore event

The button New Restore Event opens the New restore event window with the Parameter tab selected. The first tab is Schedule, as explained in the section above. For more details, see Scheduling Restore.


  • Restore task: Select the restore task from the drop-down list for which the event is going to be configured.

Backup selection

Select As defined in task option if you want to run the restore exactly as defined by the task parameters using the same backup saveset. If you want to adjust the restore task, for example to use the most recent backup saveset, select the Custom option. In the latter case, you can define the following settings:

  • Relative backup day: from - to as a relative indication of the number of days that have passed since the backup. Negative numbers specify days in the past, while positive numbers specify days in the future. For example, 2 weeks ago until now: from date = -14 to date = 0.
  • State: You can select the condition of the backup that will be used for restore:
    • Successful or with warnings (default)
    • Only successful
    • Only with warnings
    • Partially restorable (cancelled backups)
  • Selection: Provides the criteria according to which the backup saveset to be restored is defined:
    • Youngest: The most recent backup in the range of the relative backup day will be used for restore.
    • Oldest: The eldest backup in the range of the relative backup day will be used for restore.
  • Backup level: You can select the level of the backup which will be restored (C, F, D or I).
  • Pool restriction: You can define that a saveset must come from the specified media pool.

Sequence control

  • Priority: The priority of your restore event. Default priority level is 1, which is the lowest priority (the highest is 99). The only exceptions are schedules with priority 0, which override all other priorities and are always executed. See Setting event priorities.
  • Blocking date: Used together with high priority for special events. See Blocking events.

Destination parameter

  • Drive: Optionally, specify the drive number of the drive that will be used to write the data.

New migration event

Migration event represents the last step in a migration job configuration. First a migration task is created by selecting the backed up data, source and target media pool. Next is a migration schedule, to which a migration event is linked.

Creating a migration event consists of reviewing migration task execution parameters and (optionally) setting event priority. For details, see Configuring Migration.

  • Task name: Name of the migration task, e.g., MIG_Si3_mly_to_mig_3mly.

Sequence control

  • Priority: Event priority is used for resolving scheduling conflicts. Priorities can be assigned to schedules, from lowest (1, default) to highest (99). For details, see Event Priority.
  • Blocking date: A blocking event is any type of event with a higher priority that obstructs another event. A blocking event only affects other events with the same name when schedules are overlapping. For details, see Blocking Events.

Media pool

  • Pool: The source media pool from which the data will be migrated, e.g., source_mediapool (non-editable parameter).
  • Drive: Drive number of the drive that will be used to read the data (non-editable parameter).
  • Interface: The network interface of the server through which the data transfer will be executed, e.g., the name of the Remote Device Server (RDS) (non-editable parameter).


  • Pool: You can change the target media pool to which the data will be migrated, e.g., target_mediapool.
  • Drive: Optionally, change the drive number of the drive that will be used to write the data. Typically, you use this if you have configured additional drives and you want to assign dedicated drives for migration jobs. For details, see the option Create second drive in Configuring a Data Store.
  • Interface: Optionally, specify the network interface of the server through which the data transfer will be executed, e.g., the name of the Remote Device Server (RDS).

Backup date

  • To define the time frame of the backups that will be migrated, you can specify it either according to dates – Date or select the option Relative backup date. With values entered in the from/to fields of the Relative backup date you define the number of days in the past that are considered for data migration, meaning all data in the source media pool that was backed up within a given period of time is going to be migrated to the target pool. For example, to migrate all data from the past week including the current Sesam day, the Relative backup date is set to -7 while to is set to 0. Or, to migrate all data from the last 10 days, specify the relative time frame from -10 to 0.
  • In the drop-down list Based on, the Sesam days option is selected by default. Sesam day is a backup day you define according to your backup routines. For example, your backups can run after midnight but retain the backup date of the prior day. Sesam day/backup day is defined by time set in the NEWDAY event. For details, see SEPuler: SEP sesam backup day.

Backup State

  • You can select the backup completion status of the savesets you want to migrate: Successfully or with warnings (default), Only successful or partially restorable (containing data from cancelled backups).
  • Copy migrated savesets again: If selected, a saveset that has already been migrated can be migrated again.
  • Delete after successful migration: If selected, a saveset will be deleted after successful migration.

Backup level

  • Select the backup level you want to migrate (COPY, FULL, DIFF, INC): C F D I G, where G means a special backup level generation. The G backup level enables you to migrate a complete backup cycle in one step thus providing everything you need for disaster recovery. For example, the combination of selected backup levels I and G within the specified time frame -1 to 0 in the Relative backup date would migrate all incremental backups from yesterday up to today as well as all dependent incremental and differential backups of the respective backup chain including the last associated full backup. This ensures that in need of disaster recovery all required backups are available on the storage media.

Number of copies

  • Copies: Select how many times may the backed up data be migrated. Default is 0, meaning that data migration is unlimited.


  • Task: If you select a particular backup task as a source, only this task within the defined time frame is migrated.
  • Task group: If you select a task group as a source, only the tasks of this task group within the defined time frame are migrated.
  • Client: If you select a particular client, only the backups for this client within the defined time frame are migrated.

Special filter

  • Start media: Standard is "*" for all media. Optionally, you can select only one medium from the source media pool to be migrated. You should pay special attention in order not to break a backup chain that might span across more media. If you select to migrate solely one medium, then only the backups that are stored on this medium are migrated regardless whether they belong to a wider backup set or not.
  • Saveset: Standard is "*" for all savesets. Optionally, you can select only one saveset to be migrated according to its ID.
  • Paralell migration: Select (default) or deselect the check box Parallel migration. If selected, data can be migrated concurrently using multiple streams, thus improving the migration speed.
  • Note: Optionally, add additional information about the migration.

New replication event

Creating a replication event consists of reviewing replication task execution parameters and (optionally) setting event priority. For details, see Replication.

  • Name: The name of the replication task, e.g., rep-source_mediapool-to-target_mediapool.

Sequence control

  • Priority: Event priority is used for resolving scheduling conflicts. Priorities can be assigned to schedules, from lowest (1, default) to highest (99). For details, see Event Priority.
  • Blocking date: A blocking event is any type of event with a higher priority that obstructs another event. A blocking event only affects other events with the same name when schedules are overlapping. For details, see Blocking Events.

Media pool

  • Pool: The name of the source media pool from which the data will be replicated, e.g., source_mediapool (non-editable parameter).
  • Drive: The drive number of the drive that will be used to read the data (non-editable parameter).
  • Interface: The network interface of the RDS through which the data transfer will be executed, e.g., the name of the RDS (non-editable parameter).


  • Pool: The name of the target media pool to which the data will be replicated, e.g., target_mediapool (non-editable parameter).
  • Drive: The drive number of the drive that will be used to read the data (non-editable parameter).
  • Interface: The network interface of the RDS through which the data transfer will be executed, e.g., the name of the RDS (non-editable parameter).

Backup date

  • Date: You can define the time frame of the backups that will be replicated. It is recommended that you use the option Relative backup date instead.
  • Relative backup date: You can define the time frame of the backups that will be replicated by specifying appropriate values for the from/to fields. These fields specify the number of days in the past that are considered for replication, meaning all data in the source media pool that was backed up within a given period of time is going to be considered for replication to the remote pool. For example, to replicate all data from the past week, the Relative backup date is set to -7 while to is set to 0. Because the replication will always replicate only new blocks of data, you can specify a really high number in the from field, such as -99.999. This way all backups since the initial replication will always be checked, but only the changed data is going to be replicated.
  • Note
    Only the savesets with status successful and with warnings are selected for replication, while savesets with errors and only partially restorable savesets (containing data from cancelled backups) are not replicated.
  • Based on
    The Sesam days option is selected by default. Sesam day is a backup day you define according to your backup routines. For example, your backups can run after midnight but retain the backup date of the prior day. Sesam day/backup day is defined by time set in the NEWDAY event. For details, see NEWDAY Event.
  • Note: Optionally, add additional information about the replication.

New media event

No longer available in the ≥ Jaglion version. The following explanation is therefore only relevant for versions ≤ Beefalo V2.

A media event can be a user-defined event or an internal event created by SEP sesam. For example, if the specified media are unavailable at the start of a backup or if the end of media (EOM) is reached during data transfer, SEP sesam creates an internal media event which determines the next media for the backup. If no other media events are configured in the schedule, only internal media events are executed. For details, see Creating a Media Event.

Sequence control

  • Priority: Event priority is used for resolving scheduling conflicts. Priorities can be assigned to schedules, from lowest (1, default) to highest (99). For details, see Event Priority.
  • Blocking date: A blocking event is any type of event with a higher priority that obstructs another event. A blocking event only affects other events with the same name when schedules are overlapping. For details, see Blocking Events.

Media actions

  • Initialize: Initializing media prepares it for use with SEP sesam. Initialization process rewrites the tape label. Any existing information on tape are deleted. A media event prepares the medium of the selected pool to be used for backup.
  • Readability check: The readability check tests the backup data readability. During the check the data on medium is read in blocks, and the structure of tape is checked and recorded. For details, see Configuring a Readability Check.
  • Archive adjustment: An archive adjustment scans media in selected loader to update SEP sesam information about the media in the loader. It is required if the media in the loader have changed, for example if new media are added. For details, see Setting up Archive Adjustment.
  • Close tape: Closing the tape means that EOM (End of Media) is created on tape regardless of whether it is full or not. Such a tape can no longer be used for storing the data.

Under the Parameter, depending on previously chosen media event, some or all of the following options may be available:

  • Media pool: Defines the media pool that is used for the media event.
  • Drive: Optionally, you can define a specific drive for the event execution. If a drive is not selected, SEP sesam Server automatically selects one of the available drives.
  • Media: Optionally, you can select the medium that you want to use. If no medium is selected, SEP sesam Server automatically assigns the medium with the oldest EOL. For details on GET_OLDEST strategy, see Media Strategy.
  • Options: If required, set additional execution options.
  • Drive group: Displays the name of the drive group that belong to the media pool.
  • Loader, First slot, Last slot, etc.: Archive adjustment-related parameters. For details on all archive adjustment-related options, see Creating a Media Event.

New command event

The command event can be scheduled to be executed automatically.

The procedure for creating command events is version dependent. Be sure to follow the appropriate instructions:

The following screenshot and the explanation of the options show the command event in SEP sesam version Beefalo V2.

Sequence control

  • Priority: Define a priority of your command event. SEPuler always executes the schedules with higher priority first. Default priority level is 1, which is the lowest priority (the highest is 99). The only exception are the schedules with priority 0, which override all other priorities and are always executed. For details, see Event Priority.
  • Blocking date: This should be used together with high priority for special events. If checked, the blocking event will block events of the same type of a lower priority, ensuring the command event to be processed in case other command events are scheduled at the same time. See Blocking Events.


  • Name: Enter a name for the new event or search for and select an already existing command event. Searching for command opens a new window, where you can add a new command event, copy an already existing command event, select which existing command event you want to use again by clicking the Select button, and change or delete an existing command event.

  • Client: Select a client, on which the command will be executed.
  • User: Enter the user name of a user with sufficient access to execute the command on the client.
  • Retention time: Specify for how long (in days) the command event results and logs will be kept.
  • Command: Enter the complete command.
  • Add to command: Optionally, add additional parameters to command, e.g., sm_sho.
You can also access the configured commands from the menu bar -> Configuration -> Command.
Access limitation of command events

Command event starts any executable command on the chosen client. Since there are certain security issues to consider, not every command can be implemented by each user on specific clients. Without additional entries only commands entered in the system directory at <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam are allowed. Within these commands, e.g., a shell script, any desired commands can be released to selected users.

If a command should be started from another directory before the regular backup starts, this must be entered/permitted at the target client.


External commands are executed only if the user and command are inserted into the file /etc/sesam_cmdusers.allow on the client computer. Therefore, if necessary, the template from path <SESAM-BIN>/skel/templates must be copied to /etc and adapted accordingly.

Format: 'user command|*  ( * = all commands can be started)

External commands are only executed if the user and command are inserted into the registry on the client computer at key //HKLM/SOFTWARE/SEP Elektronik GmbH/sesam/CommandEvents/<user>/<command>.

Command Execution
* all instructions
cmd /c all DOS instructions (dir, etc.)
DOS command (e.g., dir) only specific DOS command (e.g., dir)
specific command (e.g., ping) only specific command (e.g., ping)

Additionally on the client computer the entry CTRLD_Path=ID/bin/sesam;ID/bin/sms in the file ID/var/ini/sm.ini in section [CTRLD_Server] must be extended with the directories where the desired programs reside.

Many errors are made when setting up the desired user permissions and allowed commands:
  • The necessary entries are not entered in the target client directories, not entered in the server or are entered incorrectly.
  • Instead of entering the command as a key it is entered as a character string.

New Newday event

SEP sesam Newday is a predefined SEP sesam daily event that resets the backup event calendar and is managed by the SEPuler. It is used by SEP sesam to reorder its database and enable uninterrupted activity of SEP sesam processes, therefore it must never be completely deactivated or it will cause SEP sesam to stop working properly. For details, see NEWDAY Event.

See also

About SchedulingCreating a ScheduleCreating Custom calendarCreating a Backup EventScheduling RestoreConfiguring MigrationReplicationCreating a Media EventCreating a Command EventNEWDAY Event

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