5 1 0:Debian Repository

From SEPsesam

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For Debian, SEP sesam provides signed Debian repositories for easier package installation, verification and update of the SEP sesam software. This manual describes how to use these repositories.

Debian packages are also used for other Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu and Uninvention UCS. For details on supported systems, check SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.

Configuring Debian repositories

SEP sesam provides packages for installation on Debian and Ubuntu. APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) is used to handle SEP sesam installation, configuration and upgrade on Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions.

You have to run commands as the root user or by prefixing the commands you want to run with sudo if you use a different user.


  1. From the SEP Download Center download the SEP GPG public key key.asc to the system where SEP sesam will be installed.
  2. On Debian systems version 11 or lower, use apt-key (Debian tool for managing package authentication keys) to install the key and add it to the system keyring. In the following example, the key is downloaded via the command line tool curl and automatically passed to the apt-key tool for the import:
  3.  curl https://download.sep.de/linux/repositories/debian/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -

    On newer Debian systems (version 12 or higher) the apt-key tool is deprecated. Use the following command to install the key:

    wget -qO- https://download.sep.de/linux/repositories/debian/key.asc | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/sepsesam.asc
  4. Use the following command sequence to check if the key has been installed accordingly:
  5.  apt-key list | grep SEP
     uid                  SEP AG (SEP sesam Repository key) <support@sep.de>
  6. Edit the sources.list file. The system configuration file /etc/apt/sources.list has to be expanded to include the SEP sesam repository, as shown below:
  7.  deb https://download.sep.de/linux/repositories/debian/ <DISTRIBUTION> main

    Replace <DISTRIBUTION> with your specific Debian distribution in lower case. The Debian repository on Debian Jessie is used in the following example:

     deb https://download.sep.de/linux/repositories/debian/ jessie main
    Instead of modifying the file /etc/apt/sources.list you can create a separate repository file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sepsesam.list by using the same syntax as described in this step.
  8. This step is only required if you are running Ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04. Skip this step for Debian and other than listed Ubuntu Linux distributions and if you only want to install the package sesam-cli.
    With Ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04, you have to install the required Openjfx and Java packages before a SEP sesam Server can be installed:
    1. First install the packages openjfx, openjdk-8-jre:
    2.  apt-get install -t xenial openjfx openjdk-8-jre 
    3. Then use apt to install the SEP sesam Server:
    4.  apt-get install sesam-srv
      Once you installed the missing PPA, use the update command (see next step) to get the latest list of software from each archive it knows about, including the PPA you just added. Note that JRE will be installed as part of the sesam-srv/sesam-gui package), as described in Installing SEP sesam components.
  9. To download the information about the packages in your new repository, update the package lists by running:
  10.  apt-get update

Searching for SEP sesam components

If the configuration finishes successfully, you should be able to see the following SEP sesam components as install sources:

user@system:~$ apt-cache search sesam
sesam-cli - SEP sesam Client for Linux
sesam-gui - SEP sesam GUI for Linux
sesam-rts - SEP sesam remote device server for Linux
sesam-srv - SEP sesam server for Linux

Installing SEP sesam components

This example shows how to install the SEP sesam Client (sesam-cli); if using a different SEP sesam package (server/rts or gui package), modify the following command accordingly:

apt-get install sesam-cli
All needed dependencies will be automatically installed. In case of any errors, you may have to install the missing PPAs manually. Make sure that add-apt-repository is present on your system and proceed as described in step 5.

Updating SEP sesam components

During the system update, the most recent SEP sesam packages will be retrieved and automatically updated to the latest version.

How to check what Debian version you are running

If you are not sure which Debian repository you have to use, the following commands can help you identify your Debian distribution:

  • If the package lsb-release is installed, the following command will show your system code name:
user@system:~$ lsb_release -c
Codename:    jessie
  • This regular command shows the Debian version number:
user@system:~$ cat /etc/debian_version

For details on Debian versioning, refer to SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix.

See also

SEP sesam Quick Install GuideDebianReleases

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Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.