5 0 0:Oracle Requirements and Configuration
The procedures and features explained herein provide only information about the SEP sesam-specific parts of Oracle configuration. For detailed information on Oracle-specific backup and recovery, see Oracle database documentation.
The SEP sesam backup module for Oracle integrates Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) with SEP sesam to efficiently back up and restore Oracle databases online. It supports Oracle single-instance configurations and multi-instance configurations – Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Server configurations that use Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as well as Oracle Data Guard environment. ASM may also be used as a backup destination for RMAN backup to DISK. When using RMAN in a Data Guard environment, a recovery catalog is required to back up a physical standby database and store information about Oracle databases.
Oracle provides a Media Management Layer (MML) for saving Oracle databases to SEP sesam Server. The MML API gives the Recovery Manager (RMAN) access to the backup application. For Oracle, SEP sesam represents a media management utility. It handles media and devices and loads, unloads and labels media.
RMAN manages the target database (the database containing the control files, data files and optional archived redo logs that are being backed up or restored) and all Oracle server processes on the target database. In case of using ASM, keep in mind that this is a filesystem and volume manager that also need to be backed up regularly.
System requirements
- Check the list of supported versions. It is recommended to upgrade the SEP sesam Server and client components to the latest version during the regular upgrade process.
- Check the SEP sesam ORACLE Licensing Whitepaper for details on the licenses required.
- Make sure that an installed Oracle server with a running Oracle application and database is available.
- Install the SEP sesam Client package on the Oracle server. You can download it from SEP Download Center. For details, see SEP Sesam Quick Install Guide.
Installation settings
The following are Oracle default installation settings. You can adjust the paths and variables according to your needs.
ORACLE SID=mydb ORACLE BASE=/opt/oracle ORACLE HOME=/opt/oracle/product/oracle $ORACLE HOME/bin is in the search path
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Note |
The library file libobk.so (Linux) or orasbt (Windows) is installed in the <sesam_install>/bin/sesam directory as a part of the SEP sesam Client package. |
Configuring Oracle
You have to configure the Oracle extension on the target Oracle server. Depending on your operating system (Linux/Unix or Windows), proceed to the relevant section below.
Linux/Unix configuration
- Login as Oracle user.
- Create a new directory sob in $ORACLE HOME.
- Create a symbolic link in $ORACLE HOME/lib to the library file libobk.so, which resides in <sesam_install>/bin/sesam. If the file already exists, you must rename it.
oracle@oraclesrv:/> cd $ORACLE_HOME oracle@oraclesrv:/product/oracle> mkdir sob oracle@oraclesrv:/product/oracle> ln -s /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/libobk.so sob/ oracle@oraclesrv:/product/oracle> ln -s /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/libobk.so lib/
Windows configuration
As of SEP sesam Jaglion, OpenSSL 1.1.1 is also used for Oracle orasbt.dll on Windows. The following procedure describes version-specific steps.
≥ SEP sesam Jaglion (5.0)
- Go to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory and rename the file orasbt.dll, if it exists.
- Copy the SEP sesam file orasbt.dll from the <sesam_install>/bin/sesam directory to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory.
- This step is only required for v. < Oracle 19c: Copy vcruntime140.dll from the <sesam_install>/bin/sesam directory to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory.
≤ SEP sesam Beefalo V2 (4.4.3.xx)
- Go to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory and rename the file orasbt.dll, if it exists.
- Copy the SEP sesam file orasbt.dll from the <sesam_install>/bin/sesam directory to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory.
- Encryption is enabled as of SEP sesam version 4.4.2. Copy msvcr90.dll, msvcr100.dll, cm_crypt.dll, libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and md5.dll from the <sesam_install>/bin/sesam directory to the <ORACLE HOME>\bin directory.
Add the Oracle client to SEP sesam environment
Configure a new client by adding it to the SEP sesam environment: Main selection -> Components -> Clients -> New client -> add your Oracle client. For details, see Configuring Clients.
Setting remote command permissions
By default, SEP sesam Server has no rights to execute commands remotely on a SEP sesam Client (the Oracle server). To enable remote command execution on the Oracle server, perform the following steps:
- Copy the file sesam_cmdusers_allow from the template directory on the SEP sesam Client to the /etc directory on the Oracle server. Example:
- Edit the file sesam_cmdusers_allow. Define the user who will execute the command and the specific command that this user is authorized to run. Example:
cp /opt/sesam/skel/templates/sesam_cmdusers.allow /etc
oracle /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1/sob/sbc_oracle_rman.sh
For details on configuring permissions for command events, see Managing Commands.
Testing the Oracle extension using sbttest
You can check and diagnose the media management API with the help of the sbttest Oracle diagnostic tool. This utility performs a simple test of the media management software to see if it is working properly. Functionality testing of libobk.so is carried out without interfering with running databases.
- Set the following environment variables:
- SESAM SERVER=<name of SEP sesam Server>
- SESAM JOB=<job name of Oracle backup> Name of the already configured task on SEP sesam Server with task type Oracle
- SESAM POOL=<media pool name> Name of an already configured media pool on SEP sesam Server
- Execute sbttest. The output should be similar to the one below.
oracle@oraclesrv:~/product/10g/lib> export SESAM_SERVER=backsrv oracle@oraclesrv:~/product/10g/lib> export SESAM_JOB=oracle_test oracle@oraclesrv:~/product/10g/lib> export SESAM_POOL=DISK oracle@oraclesrv:~/product/10g/lib> sbttest test1 -trace sbttest.log The sbt function pointers are loaded from libobk.so library. -- sbtinit succeeded -- sbtinit (2nd time) succeeded Note: This SBT library does not handle version 2.0 of SBT. sbtinit: Media manager is version sbtopen for output successful sbtwrite successful, wrote 100 buffers sbtclose successful after sbtwrite sbtinfo successful file t1 is on volume 5:3 sbtopen for input successful file was created by this program; seed=27600, bufsize=16384, bufcount=100 sbtread successful, read 100 buffers sbtclose successful after sbtread sbtremove successful *** The SBT API test was successful ***
Note that sbttest may be successful even though the server and the media management layer are not properly configured. In that case, the actual backup will fail. If the test fails, you can check SEP sesam-specific trace messages in sbttest.log.
See also
Oracle Backup – Oracle Restore – Oracle Duplicate Database