4 4 3:Updating SEP sesam
This article provides information on available update options and procedures that were available up to 4.4.3 Grolar. As updating SEP sesam is version-related, the described update options and procedures only apply to versions ≤ Grolar. If you are running a version ≥ 4.4.3 Beefalo, you can simply update your server and clients using GUI or use the enhanced sm_update command that now implements all the features of the previously used sm_remote_install and sm_config_client commands that have been deprecated; for details, see Updating SEP sesam in v. ≥ 4.4.3 Beefalo.
SEP sesam provides free updates from previous versions of SEP sesam to new versions and new features within the maintenance period. During this period, customers with a valid license can download patches and bug fixes as well as the latest SEP sesam versions. SEP sesam software packages can be downloaded from SEP Download Center.
You can update your SEP sesam software in the following ways:
- Updating only GUI: When updating the SEP sesam Server, you also have to update the GUI client because the GUI client and the SEP sesam Server have to work with the same GUI. Check GUI update below.
- You can enable SEP sesam Server to check for the relevant updates and remotely update all clients, RDS, and GUI (including a client) automatically by using the CLI command sm_update_client. You can also update your clients with the local packages that are stored at your SEP sesam Server.
- SEP sesam provides service pack executables that ease the installation of service packs and patches. A service pack is cumulative and contains all released fixes for the corresponding SEP sesam version. To install a service pack, download it from the SEP Download Center according to your target operating system (Windows or Linux). Installing on Windows is easy; simply download the executable file for your version of SEP sesam and install it. On Linux, however, you must make the service pack executable after downloading it. For details, see Applying Service Packs on Linux.
Updating only GUI
The SEP sesam Server and the GUI client must always work with the same version. Therefore, you have to update the GUI client whenever you update your server by updating the GUI installation component by using installer.
Using sm_update_client for automatic updates
The sm_update_client command is used to automatically update all clients, RDS, and GUI (including a client). The sm_update_client command uses SEP Download Center to check for new installation packages available for the configured clients.
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Note |
As of v. 4.4.3 Beefalo, the sm_update command implements all the features of the previously used sm_remote_install and sm_config_client commands that have been deprecated. Therefore the following update options and procedures only apply to versions ≤ Grolar. For details on the new update options, see Updating SEP sesam in ≥ 4.4.3 Beefalo. |
The following applies for updating components:
- On Linux, a specific component is always required for an update: a client can be updated using a SEP sesam Client package, updating GUI requires a GUI package, and RDS requires an RDS package.
- On Windows, a client can be updated with any of the three installation packages, updating GUI can be done with either the GUI or SEP sesam Server package, and RDS requires a server package.
The sm_update_client executable is located in the <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam/
, for example c:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam\ on Windows. The sm_update_client command is aware of the operating system of the component that needs to be updated and does not perform an update if the available update package is not supported on the respective system. For example, SEP sesam v. 4.4 does not work on Windows XP, therefore this client system will not be updated.
Usage of sm_update_client
The following options are available
-U update clients
-c <client name>
-C <r|s> client <remote access|sbc connection> check
-d download packages only
-F force update by same version
-L <location>
-N <regex> uses only packages matching <regex>
-n check available version (no update)
-O <os> matches begin of operating system string
-u <URL> Use 'URL' instead of https://www.sep.de/downloadportal/
file:///<local directory> can be used
- To check which components (CLI/RDS/GUI) can be updated, run the following command: sm_update_client -n First, the list of all available packages, found in the SEP Download Center, is displayed. Next, a list of your configured components and their currently installed SEP sesam packages is shown, followed by the available updates for the respective CLI/RDS/GUI.
- Now you can decide whether you want to update all CLI/RDS/GUI components, which were listed as update candidates, or you only want to update a specific component.
- To update all listed update candidates, run the following command:
- If you want to update the CLI/RDS/GUI component with the same package as the currently existing one, use the -F switch:
- If you want to update only specific CLI/RDS/GUI, use the following command and replace the <client name> with the name of the target CLI/RDS/GUI component. The second line shows the example for updating a client named seagull.
- All clients in SEP sesam database can be checked and/or updated by using the ALL_CLIENTS syntax. To update all clients, run the following:
- The parameter -O can be used to select specific clients' operating systems. For example, the following command will update all – and only – Windows Server 2008 based systems (R2 included):
Updating by using local packages
If you would like to update your clients with the packages which are stored at your SEP sesam Server and can be accessed locally, you have to use the sm_update_client and the index.txt file. You will have to generate the index.txt file locally to get the list of all available packages at your SEP sesam Server.
The latest index.txt file with all available packages at SEP sesam repository can be retrieved from the SEP Download Center.
- To create the index.txt file, open the command prompt and navigate to your SEP sesam installation packages directory. Depending on your OS, run the following command: Windows cd C:\ProgramData\SEPsesam\var\work\packages dir /B >index.txt Linux/UNIX cd /var/opt/sesam/var/work/packages find . -name "*sesam*" -printf "%P %k %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TM \n" >index.txt The following example shows the index.txt file where all Linux packages are in the Linux folder and all Windows packages are in the Windows folder. linux\sesam_gui-4.2.2-24.sles10.i586.rpm 65420 2013-12-13 16:26:26 linux\sesam_rts-4.2.2-24.sles10.i586.rpm 23066 2013-12-13 16:26:26 linux\sesam_cli-4.2.2-24.sles11.x86_64.rpm 16068 2013-12-13 16:22:22 linux\sesam_gui-4.2.2-24.sles10.x86_64.rpm 66087 2013-12-13 16:23:23 linux\sesam-srv_4.2.2-24.wheezy_i386.deb 90512 2013-12-13 16:20:20 linux\sesam_cli-4.2.2-24.rhel6.x86_64.rpm 18350 2013-12-13 16:16:16 linux\sesam_rts-4.2.2-24.rhel6.x86_64.rpm 60703 2013-12-13 16:16:16 linux\sesam_rts-4.2.2-24.rhel5.x86_64.rpm 59335 2013-12-13 16:17:17 windows\sesam-srv- 110739 2013-12-13 17:16:16 windows\sesam-gui- 85511 2013-12-13 17:20:20 windows\sesam-cli- 24803 2013-12-13 17:24:24 windows\sesam-srv- 112918 2013-12-13 17:15:15 windows\sesam-gui- 86261 2013-12-13 17:19:19 windows\sesam-cli- 25522 2013-12-13 17:22:22
- Leave the index.txt file in the directory where it has been generated and pass its location and the location of the packages to sm_update_client. For example, if the packages are located in the
folder on your SEP sesam Server, the command would be:
sm_update_client -U -c clientname -u "file:///C:\ProgramData\SEPsesam\var\work\packages"
sm_update_client -U -c clientname -u "file:///var/opt/sesam/var/work/packages"
The automatic update of the SEP sesam Server is currently not supported.
Usage: sm_config_client
-i timestamp = identifier of this call
-c client name
-o operating system
[-l location_id] default=0
[-a addr] ( TCPIP-adr. or 'via_nameserver' = default
[-m mode] ( CTRL|RSH|SSH ) configures client
( delete ) deletes client
( testsbc|testbackup ) tests connection to/from client
[-O options
[-s sender of this call] default = sesam
-U update client package
[-P <package name> path name of package
sm_config_client -c kha-testius64 -U -O force
The last parameter -O force will push the installation even if the installed version is the same as the version of the update package. Note that the client name is case-sensitive, therefore make sure that it is inserted correctly if you want the update to work.
Checking the updates
To check if the update was successful, proceed as follows:
- Check the connection between a GUI client and SEP sesam Server. The connection should work.
- Open the SEP sesam GUI and from the menu bar select Help -> About SEP sesam. Both, SEP sesam GUI client and SEP sesam GUI Server must have the same build versions.